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Details of the 103003 update

Auto HD/SD input switching- For both the Vision and VisionPro you can now have the processor auto switch between HD passthru and processing SD video for satellite/cable boxes which receive both HD and SD channels.
     For the Vision inputs 2 (svideo) and 4 (HD passthru) can be linked such that the Vision will switch between them based on whether SD video is present on input 2. To do this you need to connect Svideo from your satellite/cable box to the Visions input 2 and the HD output to the Visions input 4. Now if your watching an HD channel (input 4 would be active) and you change channels on your satellite box to an SD channel the Vision would detect SD on input 2 and switch to it. To enable this feature press "menu",0,9,7,6" and turn it on.
      For the VisionPro input 3(SD) & 7(HD) can be linked as well as inputs 4(SD) & 8(HD).Either can be linked such that the VisionPro will switch between them based on whether SD video is present on the SD input. So you need to connect svideo from your satellite/cable box to input 3/4 and the HD output to input 7/8. Now, for example, if your watching an HD channel on input 8 and you change channels on your satellite box to an SD channel the VisionPro would detect SD on input 4 and switch to it. To enable this feature press "menu",0,9,7,6" and select which pair(s) to link and turn it on. 
      Note, that in order for automatic switching to take place t
he satellite receiver must have a "hybrid" output mode that automatically switches to SD for SD sources and HD for HD sources. Otherwise the user must manually switch the satellite receiver to SD for SD sources and HD for HD sources. Not all satellite receivers are designed to have a correct hybrid output mode (480i for SD sources and 1080i, or 720p, for HD sources). Also, some even make it extremely difficult to switch between SD and HD output modes.

Per aspect zoom settings- Previously zoom was only valid for the current input memory and if you changed the input aspect or inputs it would be reset to no zoom. Now, each aspect for each input memory will remember whatever zoom level you've set it to and it's also saved when you perform a save command.

Higher refresh rates available- You can now go up to 120 Hz refresh at 600p. It can not currently genlock at these higher rates. At resolutions greater than 600p refresh rates higher than previously allowed are also available.

 480p  120 Hz
 600p  120 Hz
 768p    90 Hz
 960p    85 Hz

1080p   75 Hz

Test pattern additions- A warmup test pattern is new under the MISC->TPAT menu area. This test pattern will fill the screen with gray at 40 IRE (can be adjusted up or down from 20-50 IRE) and will stay on until "exit" is pressed on the remote in order to warmup your CRT. Red,Green, and Blue test pattern fields were added to the test pattern selection.

Disable "NO SIGNAL" screen- when no signal is detected the screen is cleared and the "NO SIGNAL" message is displayed. If you wish to disable this and just display whatever is coming in even if it's not a clean signal press "menu",0,9,6,4 to toggle it off/on.

1024p bug fix- crt parameters were incorrectly set.

1080p bug fix - Input aspect of 1.85 on output aspect of 1.78 did not previously work at 1080p, it does now.


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