The current firmware release is shown at the top of the list below. All
updates are complete and contain everything from earlier updates. So, you
only need to load the latest update. You can check your firmware revision by
pressing "OK" on the Radiance Pro remote when the menu is not up, or
navigate to the Info Menu.
A TechTip on how to do the update is included with each update. The update
can be performed with a PC and the USB cable provided, or with USB-to-serial
adapter and a null-modem serial cable. Running the update at the maximum
rate of 230K BAUD works well for most PC's as long as they have wall power
during the update.
The PC utility will tell you when it's done. Then the Radiance Pro will
attempt to turn itself off. If it does not turn off after the update
completes wait one minute, and then pull and plug back in wall power. If the
utility finishes with an error (due to a communication error), just turn the
unit off and back on, and rerun the utility. Once complete just turn the
unit back on.
See the change log shown with each update for more details on the updates.
All the configuration information is normally retained during an update
(unless otherwise noted in the update log). So you usually do not need to
write down your current settings.
If you have issues please email us at support and give us all
the details you can. When reporting issues let us know what software
revision you're on.
Beta 1015524-Posted
110724 Retimed fpga from previous update. Please continue
sending your detailed feedback to Update
time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware.
Beta 101124-Posted
110224 Minor improvements to LLDV such as allowing
offset settings separate from HDR for black and gamma for
DTM. Fix for rs232 Stewart screen control. Other small
improvements. (There was an rs232 bug in 101024 update which
this replaces). Update
time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware.
Beta 090524-Posted
091924 Added settings forLLDV options and
gave LLDV its own submenu under Input: Options: HDMI Setup: LLDV
EDID menu. Bugfix for not exiting LLDV mode when source went
back to SDR. Adds support for Stewart masking control via rs232
(in menu under Other: I/O Setup: Stewart). Update
time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware.
Beta 080324-Posted
083124 Adds support for DolbyTMLLDV (aka player led DV) with enable in Input: Options:
HDMI Setup: Video EDID menu. Small improvement to auto aspect.
Improvement to video pipeline data precision. Added support for
rs232 control of Seymourmasking systems from the Pro for aspect changes.
This is enabled under Other: I/O Setup: Seymour. Please continue
sending your detailed feedback to Update
time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware.
Beta 041824-Posted
043024 Bugfix for not changing video delay on
memory change. Added ZY552X (X is 0-9 for speeds 1-10) rs232
command to set minimum fan speed. Updated aspect related buttons
to show auto aspect status (as long as OSD is in default enabled
state) as well as current input aspect and the auto aspect
enable/disable remote buttons now pop up the aspect information
on screen. Added aspect information to first page of Radiance
info screens. Couple of bugfixes for test patterns, afix for an
autoaspect bug and couple other small bugfixes. Update
time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware.
Beta 030424-Posted
031724 Fix for autoaspect not triggering in some
situations. Fix for some aspect ratios not being positioned
correctly in letterbox bottom mode. Many more HDR dynamic tone
mapping improvements. Added ZY811 rs232 command to pop up input
and aspect on screen. Other small bug fixes. Update
time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware.
Beta 020524-Posted
022024 Added extra large menu size option. Added
some menu color options (in the menu under
Other: Menu Control: Menu Options).
Fixup of an auto aspect detection issue. Fixup of an rs232
problem that caused an issue running Colourspace calibration
software. Some further HDR DTM tuning. Other small bugfixes. Update
time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware.
Beta 012724-Posted
021024 More HDR dynamic tone mapping improvements.
Subtitle vertical shift feature fixed for letterbox bottom & top
autoaspect modes. Menu sizing and placement options added in the
menu under
Other: Menu Control: Menu Options.
Menu colors changed. Added ZQI54 rs232 command to read back auto
aspect status, replies with 1/0 for enabled/disabled. Some small
bug fixes. Update
time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware.
Beta 102923-Posted
110723 Bug fixed for HLG video source noise. Bug fixed
for audio loss on output 4. Some other small DTM
improvements. Update
time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware.
Beta 102023-Posted
103023 Continued improvements to HDR dynamic tone
mapping. Fixed HLG mode that didn't work correctly in
100223. Update
time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware.
Beta 082623-Posted
091123 Numerous improvements to HDR dynamic tone
mapping. Recommended setting for for dynamic pad (DPad) is now 3
either by pressing left arrow on the Lumagen remote or in the
menu under
Input: Options: HDR Setup).
time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware.
Beta 061223-Posted
062223 Fixed bug that prevented showing visible
changes to picture when altering dynamic pad for DTM. Fixed bug
in resetting HDR defaults that also reset auto aspect. Fixed bug
that could prevent seeing change when enabling/disabling 3D LUT.
Other small bugfixes. Update
time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware.
Beta 060623-Posted
061923 Significant improvements to HDR dynamic
tone mapping. With these improvements, it's recommended to set
dynamic pad (DPad) to 1 and setting DeSat to On to take full
advantage of the improvements. These HDR settings are available
either by pressing left arrow on the Lumagen remote or in the
menu under
Input: Options: HDR Setup. Update
time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware.
Production 031023-Posted
032023 Further improvements to auto aspect detection.
Fix for issue with 4k60 source that depending on Pro scaling
factors could give corrupt video. Added functionality to
down-arrow for subtitle shift function so that when shifted the
Pro will also "stick" to the current detected input aspect ratio
and subsequently when subtitle shift mode is ended the auto
aspect detection is re-enabled. Other small bugfixes. Update
time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware.
Beta 012523-Posted
020423 Avoids some false auto aspect detections
causing unnecessary switching between 16:9 and scope aspects.
Fix for not resuming auto aspect detection after an input mode
change when enabled. Fix for letterbox bottom and top settings
broken in previous update. Update
time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware.
Beta 010423-Posted
011623 Improvements for new instant auto aspect
detection when handling a variety of challenging situations. Other small bugfixes. Update
time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware.
Beta 110322-Posted
111622 Added a delay to lengthen time that auto aspect
change is displayed when Auto aspect status is set to 'show' in
Aspect Setup: Options menu. Fix for incorrectly reporting
detected auto aspect on rs232 on input mode change. Update
time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware.
Beta 110222-Posted
111422 Upgraded auto aspect detection to
instantly detect and change source aspect. The user can
select the auto-aspect to be instant or require 0.5, 1.0 or 2.0
seconds with the new aspect before changing the source aspect to
it. You can now enable reporting the changes auto-aspect makes.
Auto aspect settings are in the Input: Options Aspect setup menu
and then under Auto Aspect or Options. The NLS button now
toggles NLS mode instead of only turning on NLS. Auto aspect
merge can now optionally merge to 1.85. Other small bugfixes. Update
time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware.
Production 091922-Posted
092622 Fix for input aspect occasionally not
triggering when source videos aspect change. Some other small
input aspect fixups. Update
time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware.
Production candidate 090922-Posted
092022 Minor fpga performance improvements. Added auto
aspect detection for 2.10 input aspect if extended aspects are
enabled. (Fixed an error with 2.10 input aspect in 090822) Update
time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware.
Production candidate 090822-Posted
091922 Minor fpga performance improvements. Added auto
aspect detection for 2.10 input aspect if extended aspects are
enabled. Update
time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware.
Beta 081922-Posted
090722 Beta 4 fixup. Fix for audio edid setup direct
commands (see audio configuration section of manual for more
info). These are not used a lot but had been found to not be
working. Update
time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware.
Beta 081822-Posted
090122 Beta 4 fixup. Bugfix for auto aspect treatment
of 4:3 pillarbox video format (old tv shows often in this
format). Update
time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware.
Beta 081722-Posted
082922 Beta 4 of the Pipeline Enhancement update.
Fixup for cases of slight pixel chroma and/or image shift. Fixup
for switching inputs with auto aspect enabled and always
starting with a 4:3 input aspect. Fix for sharpening which was
only working in 080722 when downscaling input video. Other minor bugfixes
and improvements. Update
time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware.
Beta 080722-Posted
081222 Beta 3 fixup. Bugfix for not locking onto
inputs consistently. Bugfix for test pattern problems. Bugfix
for missing bottom line when not scaling. Bugfix for screen
blinking with interlaced sources when stepping thru the menu.
Fix for noise at bottom some interlaced sources. Bugfix for
letterbox control setting of 'Bottom' when downscaling pushing
the video too far down vertically. Update
time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware.
Beta 073122-Posted
080822 Beta 3 of the Pipeline Enhancement update.
Fixes a problem on last pixel of right edge of video for 4k50 &
4k60 output modes. Fixes a scaling issue where the bottom line
was missing for 1080 in to 4k out of the Pro. Improved
downscaling which helps with 4k sources and Pro is sending out
1080p for instance. Output aspect ratio range extended and can
now be up to 2.76. Added an option to add some uncommon input
aspects -- under
Input: Options: Aspect Setup: Aspect Opts:
there is a setting Input Aspects used which can be Normal or
Extended. Extended adds 1.375 pillarbox, 1.66 pillarbox, 2.10,
2.55 and 2.76 to the list of supported input aspects. Once the
extended input aspects are enabled they can be selected via
remote (or rs232) with the +10 key followed by
4:3,lbox,16:9,1.85,2.35, NLS key for 1.33
pillarbox,1.375pillarbox,1.66 pillarbox,2.10,2.55,2.76
respectively. Auto aspect doesn't currently detect the extended
input aspects. Other minor bugfixes and improvements. Update
time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware.
Beta 062222-Posted
063022 Beta 2 fixup of HDR desat function broken in
060322. Fix for input vertical shift problems with junk video
displayed on bottom of screen. Update
time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware.
Beta 060322-Posted
061422 Beta 2 of the Pipeline Enhancement update. Adds
"Top" option to orient letterboxed video formats to the top of
video output. This setting is in the menu under
Input: In Configs: RES: Sizing: Lbox Control and previously options for
Bottom, Zoom, Off (also settable in auto aspect or global
video features menus). Fix for Lbox Control: Off
when output aspect is > 1.78. Subtitle shift feature now shifts
by 6 & 10% (was 8 & 12%). Fix for some cases of masking that
could cause black screens or black & white video. Fix for hdcp
delay use that could cause video loss or diamond hatch pattern
to appear on output. Bugfix for using NLS with 4k sources when
using 9Ghz input cards. A precision improvement for 4k sources
when using 9Ghz input cards Bugfix for incorrect video mode id
with 4096 pixel wide 4k output modes sent on HDMI output which
could confuse some devices downstream of the Pro. Added a remote
control type setting in menu under
Other: I/O Setup: Remote Ctl,
for some different Lumagen remotes if you're using the Input
button on the Lumagen remote. Cleared up some confusing language
in the
Global: Video: Features
menu. Fix for incorrect zooming with Lbox Control set to bottom. Other minor bugfixes and
improvements. Update
time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware.
Beta 050722-Posted
052122 Beta 1 of the Pipeline Enhancement update. This
update optimizes and enhances nearly all Radiance Pro video
pipeline processing. Before this release your Radiance Pro was
already the best video processor by far. This release takes it
to a whole new level. While Lumagen considers this a Beta
release, it has been running well in the field as the Alpha 7
release so we are comfortable having anyone interested test it
out. There is a large improvement for
quality/sharpness/precision for content output at 4k60 (or
4k50), for 16:9 content shown on a 2.35 or 2.40 screen, and
480i/576i/1080i deinterlacing. We added a new “bottom of image”
shift-up feature for subtitles. To see subtitles for anamorphic
content on an anamorphic screen, manually select the source
aspect and then activate the subtitle feature by pressing down
arrow when not zoomed in. First down-arrow press moves the
image’s bottom edge up as much as 8% depending on input and
output aspect. The up and down arrows must be programmed for
zoom (default) to use the subtitle feature. Added HDCP delay
option under
Global: HDCP Delay that is
useful for some projectors/TVs that need more time handshaking
HDMI before the Radiance Pro output initializes HDCP. Fix for
vertical shift issue where some values would cause an incorrect
position. Fix for a single frame of delay in DTM scene changes
when using the Video Delay feature. Other minor bugfixes and
improvements. Update
time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware.
101221 Bugfix for some units having a power on
lockup issue where it flashes the blue light on power up and
eventually can power up but without a picture. Update
time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware.
090321 Bugfix for incorrect update of config in
071021-072821, which could double the value of HDR max default
or HDR dsat level. This update will correct these values if
needed. Update
time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware.
080421 Changed Letterbox Zoom in menu to
Letterbox Control (in autoaspect control and under Input:
InConfigs: RES: Sizing) and added an option of 'Bottom' in
addition to 'Zoom' and 'Off'. The 'Bottom' setting is simpler
than using input vertical shift to set up for top-down masking.
Added global setup option for letterbox control (in menu under Global: Video: Features)
Added option to pass the sources content flag thru the Pro to
the display (in menu under Output: Styles: HDMI
Format: ContentFlag). Couple
small bug fixes. Update
time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware.
072321 Small change to use the auto aspect 2.35/2.40
merge information with the newly added graphics flag aspect
indicator. Please continue giving us your detailed feedback on
issues via email at Update
time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware.
072221 Added option in Auto Aspect menu to use
graphics flag sent from source as indicator of the sources
aspect ratio -- this is mainly intended to be used with the
Strato menu. Fix for some rs232 "ZQI" queries that caused
Pro to hang. Fix for incorrectly grayed out option in A/V Delay
menu. Changed some factory reset default settings. Update
time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware.
070621 Fixed some cases of false aspect detection with
the autoaspect functionality. Improved deinterlacing and added
automatic field flip detection. For a new unit the default for
field flip detection is 'Auto' but is left as-is if you're
updating your unit. If you have a flipped field interlaced video
issue and want to have it dealt with automatically then you have
to set it in the menu under
Input: In Configs: RES: Control: Deinterlace:
Field. Update
time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware.
060421 Small improvement to DTM eliminates an
incorrect brightness jump in some scenes. Expanded range lower
for FPGA chip temp setting. Update
time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware.
052521 Fixed an issue in 050221 with auto aspect
triggering with image when set to hdmi. Fix for darbee menu in
050221. Fix for 050221 autoaspect menu when setting multiple
mems or inputs. Fix for 050221 vertical sharpening not being
used unless horizontal was non zero. Updated rs232 command for
sharpen (ZY521) to handle separate v,h. Added rs232 command
ZY551 to set gamemode. Update
time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware.
051321 Added new rs232 status report option,
"full v4" which appends the detected input aspect to the report
(setting in the menu under Other: I/O Setup: RS-232
Setup: Report changes.
There's also a ZQI24 rs232 query now that corresponds to this
new status report. The detected aspect can be useful for
theaters with masking systems. Aspect information is now
detected for reporting whether auto aspect is on or off.
Separated sharpness into vertical and horizontal settings and
also now allows negative settings to achieve spatial noise
reduction for noisy or over sharpened sources. Negative
sharpness settings not recommended for quality sources as it
will reduce image resolution/detail. Fix for an occasional issue
requiring power to be unplugged to restart unit after standby. (this update replaced 042821 & 050121 which was up briefly and
had a powerup/down issue on some systems) Update
time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware.
042421 Fixed problem of last pixel on right edge
missing. Fix for not getting correct video EDID options when
switching to virtual input. Few other small bug fixes. Update
time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware.
032621 Small bug fix where a few menu items for inputs
9 & 10 (actual inputs on Radiance Pro model 5348 and virtual
inputs on other models) would either be shown as ':', not
selectable, or settings would not be applied as expected. Update
time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware.
032521 Fix for output trigger on Radiance Pro
model 5348. Fix for
menu sometimes incorrectly saying 'settings have changed since
last save'. Fix for 3D source having some extra pixels on right
side. Fix for occasional problematic input detection when
changing from an interlaced source to a progressive source.
Added option to pass source HDR metadata to output when HDR is
the Pro's output colorspace or HDR flag is on so not a factor if
using recommended method of dynamic tone mapping HDR inputs to
SDR output. Option is called HDR Metadata and is in the menu
under Output: CMS's: CMSX: Colorspace. Update
time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware.
020521 Fixes an error in previous update that caused a
few systems to have poweron/poweroff issues. Some other small
fixes, Update
time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware.
012621Added support for new Radiance Pro
model 5348. Fix for auto aspect
issue with changing aspects within a movie and not being
redetected. Fix for input copy issue with 4200 models. Added
virtual inputs 9 & 10 to units with less than 10 inputs. Fixed
an audio issue of not setting PCM output flag correctly which
confused some audio processors that misinterpreted audio data
causing loud noise. Fixed issue with static HDR
tonemapping powering-on with a dark picture. Added support for
new Lumagen remote which adds buttons for test pattern, save,
HDR setup, auto aspect enable, auto aspect disable, input
aspects 1.90, 2.00, 2.20, 2.40. Update
time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware.
121420 Fix for the new ZY521 rs232 command added in
120320 update, use 'H' or 'N' for sensitivity. Bugfix for
changing styles with memories sometimes causing an incorrect
change in the colorspace gamut convert setting. Update
time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware.
121120 Numerous DTM improvements to better
measure maxcll and minimize light level changes between similar
scenes, avoid some cases of scene transitions causing clipping
and avoid lighting changes for some false scene cut detection.
Factory reset default setting for DTM dynamic pad is 5 now
rather than 2. Added ability for 'NLS' selection to be sticky
when using auto aspect with 'Sticky aspect override' enabled. A
fix for copying styles that changed a CMS setting. The hlobal
"menu 0966" command for setting Letterbox zoom now sets auto
aspect as well as the manual aspects. Fix for 'ZY530'
rs232 command to not mute audio unnecessarily. Added rs232
command to set sharpness, 'ZY521ELS' (where E can be 'Y' or 'N'
to enable, L can be '0'-'7' for level with 7 being most
sharpening, and S can be 'H' or 'L' for high or low
sensitivity). Added rs232 command to query sharpening setting,
'ZQI30' with values returned corresponding to ZY521ELS command
definition. Update
time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware.
111820 Couple of DTM improvements. Added DSD
multichannel audio. Fixed issues with purple/green screen on
power up with some source devices. Update
time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware.
101620 Fix for some Pro's getting a green/purple
screen with some sources at power on (seen here on a 4244 with
Nvidia Shield at 4k60). Adds global disable/enable for Darbee
and Sharpness into menu under Global: Video: Features
. Update
time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware.
101220 Small sw fix for a bug that prevented 4246
outputs from turning on in some cases in last couple of updates. Update
time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware.
100920 Fix for bad pixels on bottom line of
video with new sharpening feature enabled. Fix for converting
from 5 to 21 point in the CMS Grayscale/Gamma menu. Bugfix for
resetting all settings except CMS in previous update was
incorrect and now fixed. Factory reset defaults for sharpness
are now 2 with High level while Darbee now defaults to a level
of 25 when performing a factory reset. Update
time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware.
100520 Added sharpening enhancement feature which can
be accessed in menu under
Input: In Configs: RES: Enhance
(or with right arrow). Has level setting from 0-7 (7 being
extreme sharpening) and a sensitivity setting which can be set
to High or Norm (the High setting avoids sharpening low level
changes). You can also access sharpening with right arrow
command if you set the option under
Other: I/O Setup: Remote Ctl: R/Left arrows
option for this. Several improvements in FPGA have improved
pixel precision especially for 1080 being upscaled to 4k.. Fix
for DTM with some fast scene changes causing distracting color
change (problem originally seen in Umbrella Academy with bright
clouds in background). Fix for menu command to reset all
settings except CMS. Fix for being unable to copy input settings
to virtual inputs.
time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware.
092820 Added option to HDR max default to
'Always' use the user settable default Max Cll value. This is
usually left at 'Auto' which can use information from the source
to augment DTM but if the source is rarely correct it is better
to use just the value set for Max default. This setting is found
in the menu under Input: Options:Hdr Setup: Max
Default . Update
time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware.
081720 This is the same as 080120 but we've
regenerated the fpga part of the update which may have been an
issue in some systems. If you had issues with 080120 and give
this version a try please let us know if this update does or
doesn't clear things up for you.
time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware.
081220 Fix for a slight flicker issue seen with
dynamic tone mapping in some movie titles. Improved algorithm
for DTM DeSat used to
limit saturation peaking for dynamic tone mapping and added an
'Auto' setting for DeSat in the DTM menu which is the new
default. Fixed issue with DTM not taking into account user set
video delay. Fix
for auto aspect not always detecting image bounds with 9ghz
input cards. New 18Ghz input chip firmware has small
improvements from update on 051820. Fix for an intermittent
video/audio drop with a Direct TV source. Added feature
for Kaleidescape player to eliminate output mode changes when
changing from Kaleidescape menu to movie -- a short "how
to" is below. Update
time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware. Systems with 18Ghz
input cards will have ~1 minute bootup
time on first power up after this update as internal input chip
firmware updates---if after first
power-on it comes up with green/pink colorization then turn Pro
off and back on to power-up for a second time.
How to set up Kaleidescape Strato & Pro to eliminate unnecessary
output mode changes With
many projectors changing the output mode (.ei 4k24 to 4k60) can
be rather slow. The Kaleidescape player always uses 60hz for
it's menu but when playing a movie it's preferable to have it
set to play at 24Hz so going between menu and movies can leave
the viewer sometimes waiting 30 seconds with a blank screen
while the equipment syncs up to the new output mode. A very
simple way to fix this is just to set the Pro to output 4k24 for
all input modes but then the less common case of 60Hz videos
from the Kaliedescape would look stuttery so a method to stay in
24Hz output for only the Kaleidescape menus and 24Hz movies is
desirable. There is a way to detect the special case of
Kaleidescapes' menu screen and with a new option in the Pro we
can eliminate this slow resync time between menus and movies and
keep 60Hz videos looking good. To do this, make a change in the
Kaleidescape players advanced video setup menu and set the HDMI
Content Type Metadata to 'Transmit content type metadata' (the
Kaleidescape will now output a special graphics flag over HDMI
when in it's menu). On the Pro menu under Input: Options: HDMI
Setup: Type, set the Graphic Flag Use setting to 'Use'. Now when
the Kaleidescape is in it's menu the Pro will detect and use the
graphics flag and classify the input mode as 'Other' (instead of
4k60). So the last setting to make is in the Pro's Output Setup
menu and for the input mode condition of 'Other' change the
Pro's output mode, CMS's and Style selection to match what is
setup when detecting a 24Hz input mode. The Pro will now
stay in the same 24Hz output mode when Kaleidescape changes
between 60Hz menu and 24Hz movies but still allow the Pro to
change to a 60Hz mode when 60Hz videos are played.
060820 Fix for issue switching between 2 inputs
on an 18Ghz input card with the new 18Ghz input chip firmware
that was just introduced in prior update. This problem could be
seen as corrupted video often miscolored. Fix for powering on to
1080p24 source and getting strangely colored video. Fix for the
Pro's EDID causing some devices (Zapitti, etc.) to misinterpret
the Pro's EDID as not supporting HDR. Fix was made to the 'Merge
to 1.78' input auto-aspect option. Added 'Report Port' option to
rs232 reporting menu under Other: I/O Setup: RS-232
Setup to override
automatically selecting last active rs232 port. Update
time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
052720 New 18Ghz input chip firmware from manufacturer
which fixes audio drops in some Apple TV videos that had
Dolbyvision and Dolby Atmos. Added ability for auto-aspect to
merge certain aspects together, these settings are under Input: Options: Auto Aspect
. Added ability to set game mode (low latency) in newer displays
that allow this type of control. Fixed a couple of cases of
tearing when using new game mode setting. Also added status of
game mode to Info page 3 after genlock status. Other small
fixes. Update
time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware. Systems with
18Ghz input cards will have ~1 minute bootup
time on first power up after this update as internal input chip
firmware updates---if after first
power-on it comes up with green/pink colorization then turn Pro
off and back on to power-up for a second time.
051220 Fix for rs232 reponse when using "Full
V3" option for rs232 status reports.(reposted
050720 to correct revision date reported onscreen) Update
time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
050620 Renamed Lipsync
menu under Input: Options
to A/V Delay and
added Game Mode as an
option in this menu. With Game Mode enabled, video delay thru
the Pro is kept at a minimum by trading off some quality for
Dynamic Tone Mapping (DTM). For absolute minimal video delay
through the Pro genlock also needs to enabled (under Input: Options: Genlock ).
A DTM fix for a challenging scene. Update
time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware
050120 Added ability to set 1D lut values to 12
bit precision both in menu interface (under Output:
CMS: Gray/Gamma: N Points )
as well as with rs232 commands. See updated Tech Tip 11 for the
rs232 commands. Added external trigger setting for input aspect
> 1.95 (only available on units with this option installed).
Small improvement for interlaced auto aspect detection. Update
time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
042520 Better version of small DTM improvement in
041220 fixes several more challenging DTM cases. Update
time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
042020 Numerous HDR Dynamic Tone Mapping improvements.
Fix for aspect detection for interlaced sources. Some other
minor auto aspect detection improvements. Added rs232 command
(ZY418 see tech tip 11 for usage) to set background/foreground
color for text messages. Fix for 'NLS when applicable' under
Input: Options:
Aspect Setup: Auto Aspect
which when set to 'on' did not set NLS when exiting the menu.
Fix for full rs232 input change report change (v2) not always
reporting a change (useful for control systems). Update
time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware
012320 Small change for those using remote
control arrow keys to change the input aspect ratio. Eliminates
several rare aspect ratios and puts the common ones into an
intuitive order. If you're not using the arrow keys to change
aspect ratios then there's no reason to load this update.
Functionality of arrow keys is changeable in the menu under Other: I/O Setup: Remote Ctl
. Update
time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
011620 Fix to adaptive DTM for an incorrect brightness
change. Fix for problems using right arrow for test pattern
command. Some additional options added to Other:
I/O Setup: Remote Ctl menu. Update
time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
011320 Added some direct codes to aid in initial
HDR mapping setup from factory reset. All these codes enable HDR
"menu 0890" : CMS0 colorspace=SDR709, CMS1=SDR709
with HDR flag=Off
"menu 0892" : CMS0 colorspace=SDR709, CMS1=SDR2020 with HDR
"menu 0893" : CMS0 colorspace=SDR2020, CMS1=SDR2020 with HDR flag=Off
"menu 0896" : CMS0 colorspace=SDR709, CMS1=SDR2020 with HDR
"menu 0897" : CMS0 colorspace=SDR2020, CMS1=SDR2020 with HDR flag=On
No need to update from 122819 unless just starting setup. Update
time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
123119 Small improvement to adaptive HDR DTM for rare
occurrence of adapting too quickly. Update
time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
122119 Improved conversion of HLG (type of HDR)
source material which had a slightly washed out look. Fix
for adaptive DTM brightness jumping incorrectly. Precision
improved in HDR calculations. Fixed an issue with banding in HDR.
Improvements to adaptive DTM for a variety of challenging
scenes. New selection to switch 1.85 and Alt+1.85
selections under Other: I/O Setup: Remote Ctl along with a couple of other new
options in this menu. Added a small option to help an issue with
DIrectTV not setting 2020 flag off after leaving an HDR
selection -- find this option under Input: Options:
HDMI Setup: Type: 2020 Flag Use
. Created a streamlined user menu for HDR DTM settings (usually
brought up with left arrow on remote) and kept current version
for use when in service mode. User defined input labels
used in more places within the menu. Several other small bugs
fixed. Update
time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware
101819 Bugfix for issue updating from 082219 and
getting no picture with forced output mode selection via "menu
0874" command. Added P3 colorspace to 'ZY46FC' rs232
command. Update
time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
100819 A small improvement to DTM (dynamic tone
mapping) that improves some scenes with low light levels. A
small fix for starting up test patterns via rs232. Fix for the
Output: Styles: HDMI Format: Rate Match menu not allowing
changes to rate match setting. Couple other minor bugs fixed. Update
time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
093019 Replaced the DTM dynamic level (aka DLev)
setting with a new more useful setting called dynamic pad (aka
DPad). Added a new "adaptive" capability to DTM which allows DTM
to adapt to light level changes between scene cuts. The adaptive
feature can be enabled/disabled in the menu under
Input: Options: HDR Setup: DynamicCtrls
and defaults to enabled. Bugfix for DTM flickering issue. Bugfix
for 2.40 input aspect with scale bias off was not as accurate as
it should have been. Other small bugfixes. Update
time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
091919 Added commands to temporarily
disable/re-enable auto aspect detection. Use Alt-Clr on remote
to temporarily disable auto-aspect and Alt-NLS to re-enable it.
These commands can be issued via rs232 using the ascii
characters for these 2 remote buttons. Update
time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
091819 Improvement to auto-detecting 2.0 input aspect
on some sources. Fix for rs232 status reporting of output aspect
which was sometimes not current. Update
time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
090419 Bug fix for test patterns if output
vertical top shrink is being used. Bugfix for restoring Alt-1.85
input aspect after displaying test pattern. Bugfix for Input: Options: Lipsync
menu not being able to change setting. Added some more audio
EDID format options under Input: Options: HDMI Setup:
Audio EDID. Update
time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
082319 A new FPGA version from rev 080919 fixes issues
seen in many systems with getting picture and other video
issues. Software identical to 080919. Update
time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware
080919-Posted 081619 Fix for a DTM color flash issue that
occurred for a few seconds on an HDR mode change. Further
improvements to Dynamic Tone Mapping. Update
time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware
072119- Same
as 072019, but 072019 had an issue causing lockup in some
systems. Update
time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
HDR parameter changes (.ie Ratio, Shape, etc) were needlessly
slow to change when being modified. Removed HDR Min Offset from
menu. Update
time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Improvements to Dynamic & Static Tone Mapping as well as some
cases of input->output color conversion. Fix for Alt-Prev
command sometimes leaving output off. Fix for not showing P3 on
output colorspace when set for it. Added a true "Off"
setting for intensity mapping enable and the previous "Off"
setting which was really a simplified conversion from HDR to SDR
was renamed to "Default". Fix for rs232 status report of
SDR/HDR not always being reported. Fix for Copying input HDR
parameters to other memories. Update
time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Kept other improvements from 042019 but reverted back to older
18 Ghz input chip microcode as newer version had numerous
connectivity issues with many sources. Working with chip vendor
for improvements. Update
time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware---systems with
18Ghz input cards will have ~1 minute bootup
time on first power up after this update---if after first
power-on it comes up with green/pink colorization then turn Pro
off and back on to power-up for a second time.
Found and fixed issues with HLG tone mapping and also now have
it working with DTM (Dynamic Tone Mapping). Fixed an issue causing a flickering effect
in some scenes with DTM. DTM improved to avoid some undesirable
tonemap updates. New 18 Ghz input chip microcode from chip vendor
which fixes an Apple TV audio dropout issue. Update time ~1
minutes @230k from previous firmware---systems with 18Ghz input
cards will have ~1 minute bootup
time on first power up after this update---if after first
power-on it comes up with green/pink colorization then turn Pro
off and back on to power-up for a second time.
DTM improvement cleared up problem on opening of Starship
Troopers UHD. Small fix
to DTM lower curve. Extra bit of range added for DTM with SDR
output. Removed message regarding "effective display max" when
adjustiong display ratio in DTM mode since there are other
variables that enter into this calculation. Update
time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Fixup for issue causing overly bright result with DTM (Dynamic
Tone Mapping). Fix for another bug that in some cases gave
incorrect DTM results. A quality improvement for DTM. Fixup for
bringing up test patterns when in DTM mode. Fix for getting a
message in menu that settings have changed when they hadn't
been. Update time ~1
minutes @230k from previous firmware
Fix for audio loss issue using netlifx. Many improvements to
Dynamic Tone Mapping. Added dynamic settings to left arrow
pop-up HDR menu. Some other small fixes. Update
time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Adds dynamic HDR tone mapping. Enable and adjust in the menu
under Input: Options: HDR Setup: DynamicLevel. The Dynamic Level setting
moderates between the amount of dynamic light levels of the
video and the light level of the static HDMI metadata that are
used. A higher Dynamic Level uses more dynamic information and
less of the static metadata. Added "Image" option to auto aspect
setting for situations where the "HDMI+Image" setting had
problem with a source due to bad HDMI aspect information. Fix
for the Colorspace HDR Flag setting when set to On which was not
working with non-HDR sources. Update time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware
-- if updating from 111718 or earlier, Pro takes extra minute on
first power-up after update to bring up picture.
Improvements to P3 colorspace output option. Improved image
based input auto-aspect detection. Updated 'new' 18 Ghz output
firmware. The 'original' 18 Ghz output firmware has not changed
and remains the default. Press "menu 0851" to switch to newer
18Ghz output firmware or "menu 0850" to switch to original
firmware. Couple other minor improvements. Update
time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware -- also takes extra
minute on first power-up after update to bring up picture.
Fix for audio dropouts with Dolby Atmos on AppleTV. Fix for
rs232 report change messages not getting sent out usb port when
active. Update time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Fixed saving bug in 111518. Improves or fixes several deficits
in image based auto aspect detection. Fix for sometimes missing
MaxCll detection from HDR sources and also cases of not changing
the colorspace when HDR/SDR changes occur which were issues in
1101-111018 firmware. Added another rs232 report for only SDR/HDR
under Other: I/O Setup: RS-232 Setup : Report changes.
If set to SDR/HDR 'S' or 'H' will be output on rs232 for SDR or
HDR respectively. Update
time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware
with 111518 -- Saving menu changes caused units to hang
and corrupted the configuration. If you've updated to
111518 already then don't save any configuration changes and to
update you'll need to do a bootloader update which means
unplugging power, then replugging power and starting the update
utility in ~10 seconds.
Adds HLG disable to Input: Options: HDMI Setup: Video
EDID and also in the Global: Video: Src Format
menus. Couple fixes to image based auto aspect operation. Update time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Fix for bug in the previous update that caused some displays to
not recognize HDR.when being output from the Pro.
Update time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Some fixes and imrprovements for image based auto aspect
detection. Fix for Apple TV changing HDR values and audio
information in the middle of a program (occurs almost every 30
seconds in some newer material on Netflix). This was causing
video to stutter and audio to dropout. The HDR fix is a
placeholder until ability is added to Pro to react to HDR
changes without video interruption. Fix for audio format not
being detected correctly with Trinnov Altitude 16. Other small
bugfixes. Update time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Adds P3 output colorspace option under Output: CMS:
Colorspace. Added automatic
conversion for going between 2020 and 601/709 colorspaces. This
new capability defaults to "Off" when updating a current setup
as the Pro's 3D Lut may have been set up to do the conversion
(which was the only way to do it prior to this update). Update time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Fix for an issue with Pro's hdmi output causing a Trinnov
Altitude audio processor to switch some noisy relays
unnecessarily for some sources even though they were not playing
any audio. Added faint single pixel with adjustable brightness
in upper left corner of solid black test pattern to keep laser
projectors from turning off. Made some small improvements to
calculation of src max for HDR.
Update time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Fix for sometimes incorrectly setting mode with 'Reduce Max'
setting enabled. Fix for the set input label command (and rs232
version of it) which only set the label for memory A of the
input. Small improvement to internal HDR parameter calculations. Update time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Bug in 062718 for 9Ghz inputs could sometimes cause inability to
connect with the video source.
Update time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
(consolidated 062518 & 062618 updates and removed alterations to
letterbox input aspect behavior)
Fix for pillarbox option with NLS settings. Improvement to
power-on input selection and option to delay input selection
(only at power on) by 3 seconds in order to get correct color
information from some sources (failing case was a DirectTV box).
The delay setting is in the menu under
Other: OnOff Setup: Input Select
. Fix for letterbox zoom off/on cases with 1.85,2.2,2.35
input aspects. Added option to enable sending HDR output flag to
display even when using SDR colorspace. This new option is
HDR Flag and in the menu under
Output: CMS's: Colorspace
. Added "menu 0966" command to globally set letterbox zoom on or
Update time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Small improvement in color precision. Added dither option
to menu under Output: Styles: HDMI Format.
Fix for setting "Lbox Zoom" to off and over zooming when input
aspect greater than 16:9. Other small bugfixes and improvements.
Update time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware
(replaced 050518 as this change was not enabled correctly)
Changed newly added HDR desaturation setting to work for both
HDR and SDR output.
Update time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Added new HDR intensity mapping parameter to allow
desaturation of extremely bright HDR colors when outputting HDR
in an SDR container. The new setting is labeled High Luminance
Desat (or 'HDSat' for short when visually editing) and is in the
input HDR menu.
Update time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Doubled range for HDR intensity mapping ratio setting. Modified
Output HDR menu so as to not obscure view while setting Display
Max LIght.
Added extra check of output device EDID for 600mhz capability
after seeing a couple of devices reporting 300Mhz support in one
part of their EDID and 600Mhz in another section---these devices
are now detected as 600Mhz capable. Added Kaleidescape setup
menu under Other: I/O Setup: Kaleidescape
for a Strato/Co-Star switching setup in order to automatically
switch to the active device (also requires buying the "Co-Star
for Lumagen" feature. Contact Kaleidescape for details). To use the Pro's Strato/Co-Star switching solution
the Strato needs to be on an 18Ghz input and the Co-Star must on
an input card different from the Strato. Added new input aspect
ratios of 2.0 and 2.2, selectable on Lumagen remote with
Alt then 4:3
and Alt then 16:9,
respectively. These two new input aspects can also be detected
with auto aspect feature when enabled. Also added separate
sizing memory for the 2.40 input aspect (alt- 2.35) which had
been sharing sizing parameters with 2.35. Added an option to
reduce maximum bandwidth under Output: Styles: StyleX:
HDMI Format: Reduce Max. When
enabled the blanking time is reduced by ~5% so the original
picture is not being resized and if the display accepts
non-standard timings this can be a solution in some cases where
the video connection is unreliable or slow to get picture.
Update time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
(replaced 032118 which gave no audio on out1)
Improved handling on 18Ghz video/audio outputs (problems seen
here with video to newer LG tv and audio to older Sony AVR were
solved). Fix for genlock with "normal" setting when taking 4k in
and going out as 1080p. Added DSD (SACD) audio capability.
Update time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Fixup for 4:3 and Letterbox remote control entry not working in
030118 update. Fix for very slow or sometimes not acquiring
signal from some sources (we saw a case here with a Panasonic
UB900 UHD player but there may be some other sources).
Update time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Added HLG (Hybrid Log Gamma -- another type of HDR) input
capability. HDR settings are used for HDR10 or HLG. Added
ability to limit source via EDID to 1080p in menu under Input: Options: HDMI Setup: Video EDID.
In this menu the setting labled 18Ghz is now called Video Limit.
Added per input source audio EDID options in menu under Input: Options: HDMI: Audio EDID
. Update time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Few more improvements in new deinterlacer. Fixes for rs232
commands ZY530 and ZY520 and addition of ZQI52 HDR status query.
Update time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Fix for timing issue in fpga of 020518 update could cause some
pixels to flicker noticeably. Timing issue doesn't happen in all
systems. Please continue giving us your detailed feedback on
issues via email at
.Update time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Fix for a problem with new deinterlacer combing when it
shouldn't have. Fix for the reinterlacer feature which was
broken in previous update.
Update time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Deinterlacing much improved (new FPGA code). Deinterlacer has a
bias setting under Input: In Configs: RES: RES-X:
Control: Deinterlace: Mode:
which can be set to Neutral, Film or Video. Fix made for
menu breakup occurring only under certain situations. Bugfix for
resetting color gamut to default causing brightened picture. Fix
for some cases of genlock when set to "normal" and "fast" which
gave unstable video. Update time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 121217-
Just a few small tweaks to 121017 update. A small fix for
problems when powering up and immediately selecting a test
pattern to view. On the Input HDR setup menu, which is quickly
brought up with left arrow, we've added showing what the
effective Display Max Light is for the Ratio setting. Altered
the RS232 ZQI22 report so the 'F' field reports the HDR/SDR on
the current input as opposed to what the output is doing.
Update time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 121017-
Small bugfix for correctly coming back up on a virtual input if
went to standby when it was selected. Added direct commands to
select either default 18Ghz output firmware or newer firmware
from manufacturer. Press "menu 0851" to switch to newer 18Ghz
output firmware or "menu 0850" to switch to original firmware.
The Pro will automatically reboot (no save is necessary) and
then take a minute to complete the change . All Pro's are
currently using the original firmware and if you don't have
18Ghz outputs or are having no issues then there is no need to
perform these commands. If you have an issue that you feel may
be hdmi related between an 18Ghz output of the Pro and a display
or are just curious then please try the newer firmware with
"menu 0851" and we appreciate any feedback you have on it. You
can go back to the original firmware with "menu 0850" if
necessary. You can check which you are using to verify by
pressing "menu 0536" and at the end of the last line there is a
",1" or ",0" which designates the new or original 18Ghz output
firmware respectively. Update time ~2 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 120617-
Fix for 18Ghz input ports on same card not always detecting
input. Fix for moving output cable from one 18Ghz output card to
another and not getting correct output mode.
Update time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 120417-
The change in 112417 for allowing audio turnoff of individual
18Ghz outputs exposed a bug in hdmi chip fw from manufacturer
that would prevent some audio formats from working on one of the
18Ghz cards 2 outputs if the other was disabled for audio. So
audio output enable for 18Ghz outputs are now paired (.ie 1 with
2, etc) in the output setup menu. Improved some of the
switching changes in 112417-112617 to work better for some
sources such as Roku Ultra. Added a new genlock mode which is
more accurate with less jitter than was the case previously. The
new genlock mode is labeled "normal" and the previous genlock
mode is labled "fast" as it can be faster in some cases if the
display handles the jitter. The "normal" genlock mode is usually
the better choice and is the default.
Update time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 112517-
Bug in 112417 would cause video loss or sources to revert video
modes (4k ATV) in some cases when the source initiated a
mode change.
Update time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 112417-
Put back 110317 version of 18Ghz output chip firmware (first
power-on after this update takes about 50 seconds due to this).
Can turn off audio on the video output of 18Ghz cards now.
Numerous small improvements.
Update time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 110817-Avoid using this update.
Have had number of problems with newer 18Ghz output chip
firmware. Will be replaced soon.
Updated 18Ghz output chip firmware from manufacturer (first
power-on after this update takes about 50 seconds as the 18Ghz
output chips update). Fixed up problem in revision 110317 that
caused restarting/blanking hdmi output on memory changes that
was not necessary. Small improvement in output mode transitions.
Added left/right eye option in menu under
Output: 3D Options.
Update time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 110317-
Fix for output color space change not triggering rs232 status
report as configured. Improvements in reaction time to input
mode changes and cleaner output mode changes when necessary.
Speedup for certain case of input to input switching time.
Update time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 101817-
Fixed problem of sometimes losing video from Roku 4k
UltraHD source when Roku switched from main menu to Netflix.
Bugfix for rs232 test pattern mode using with HDR in & out. Fix
for LED left on at power-up when programmed to not stay on.
Update time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 101517-
Fix for problem with NLS and certain screen sizes. Fix for
output mask with 4096 wide output modes. Fix of a couple
incorrect reports of HDR parameters used. Some other minor
Update time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 100317-
Added programmable crossover point for selecting HDR mapping
settings (was previously fixed at 2000 nits). Crossover point
setting is found in menu under Input: Options: HDR
Setup: Crossover Pt .
Improved HDR intensity mapping for HDR in to HDR out. Fix for
case of 'Auto' setting of Output: CMS: Colorspace
not getting the correct output (particular case was input change
from SDR709 to HDR2020 and incorrectly left output at SDR709).
Fix for bad source that in some cases could prevent Pro from
giving picture or cause occasional video stutters even if the
source was not the currently selected input. Fix for 42xx
reporting 4k60-422 as 420. Improved or eliminated some cases of
screen flashes on input format changes. Small menu improvements.
Added debug command, "menu 0529", to view last 32
characters received over rs232.
Update time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 092117-
Fix for some sources not triggering the Pro's HDR intensity
mapping when going SDR out from the Pro (particular case was
with Nvidia Shield + Netflix).
Update time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 091917-
Small fix for 1 pixel skew on HDR intensity mapping. Fix for
auto input selection sometimes not switching when active source
turned off. A fix for specific case of no video on initial
Update time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 091217-
Improved video delay command (in menu at Input: Options: Delay ) to
be variable from 0-116ms in steps of 16ms. Improved switch time
for case with Pro genlock on and Pro output mode not changing.
Fix for powering up on 9Ghz input with non-hdcp source not
getting video until switching away from and back. Output trigger
fixed for HDR improved for source changing only hdr/sdr mode.
Bugfix for 44xx with 18Ghz input card powering up on 4k source
and getting noisy, zoomed in video.
Update time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 083117-
Bugfix for 083017 showing 420 instead of 422 color format on
output in some situations. Fix for audio not coming on at
power-up in some systems for 082217-083017. Some improvements
with auto selection if enabled. Update
time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 083017-
Added a default setting for HDR source mastering maximum for
some sources that do not set it. New setting available under Input: Options: HDR Setup: Max Default
. Added new setting to add 80ms video delay to Pro video output
for systems with larger audio delays. This new video delay
setting is under Input: Options: Delay.
Bugfix for not copying input HDR parameters when performing a
memory copy operation in the menu. Fix for sometimes powering on
and getting a half-height picture under certain circumstances.
Added settings for HDR for optional trigger outputs when Pro has
an HDR source. Fix for input hdr gamma and black offsets
sometimes not having an effect in last couple firmwares. Bugfix
for 9Ghz outputs giving quick screen flash when changing output
mode in last few firmware versions. Bugfix for couple cases of
Pro menu breaking up. Bugfix for incorrect input change with
auto input selection for a couple of sources (PS4, Panasonic
UB9000) when they switched to HDR mode. Several other small
Update time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 082217-
(replaced 082117 from earlier today due to finding a
couple more bugs) Several
HDR intensity mapping improvements were made which allowed
removal of clipping setting and expanded range of transition
setting to 0-15. Intensity mapping now makes use of Source Max
Content Light Level if available. New setting, Input:
Options: HDR Setup: Min Offset
has been added to allow automatic correction of an HDR source
minimum offset of .005 nits. To avoid any issue with your
current calibration, Min Offset is 'Off' when updating but a
factory reset will default it to 'Auto'. Fix for not
always updating with input colorspace change. Fix for inability
so select zone 5-10 when outputs 5-10 are installed. Fixed
bug in Auto Input Selection menu command. Other bugfixes. Update time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 072117-
Adds ability to modify input hdr parameters while split screen
stays on. Fixed a problem with deinterlacing that occurred after
030317 firmware. Fixed up a case of NLS setup not working.
Improved switching times for some cases. Added display of
downstream hdcp capability on page 2 of info screens.
Update time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware also
takes extra minute to power on first time if 18ghz input cards
Beta 070117-
Fixed up auto input selection which is enabled and configured in
the menu under Other: I/O Setup: Auto Select
. Added Dobly Atmos flag to the global common audio formats (if
you've already enabled common audio formats with "menu 0943" the
Atmos flag will now be present). Not all audio sources needed to
see the Atmos flag but some sources do. Fixed up a bug in 062617
which could cause no video on output.
Update time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 062617- (replaced
062217-062517) Fixed a display EDID issue that would prevent
Pro from automatically using an 18Ghz output mode for some
displays (Sony5000 projector being notable case) so the Pro
would use 4k60 with 420 color when it should of used 4k60 422. Fixed an issue that could sometimes cause of
loss of video output. Fixed a bug causing output mask not to
work. Improvements to HDR intensity mapping.
Update time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 053017-(replaced
052817-052917 which introduced a black level issue with HDR
sources and incorrect limit on Display Max Light)
input HDR intensity mapping setup to have 2 groups of settings
to allow for handling differences due to HDR Source Max light
levels. The 2 groups of settings are visible under Input: Options: HDR Mapping.
Improved Output: CMS: HDR Mapping
so adjustments can be viewed while making them. Increased
precision and speed of Output black adjust (in menu under Output: CMS: Black). Now
allowing unused/unpopulated physical inputs to be used as
virtual inputs up to input 8. Other small fixes and
improvements. Also see latest
<manual>for more details on HDR setup &
Update time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 052017-
Added HDR intensity mapping to map HDR source brightness
to HDR or non-HDR (aka SDR) displays. Lumagen's HDR intensity mapping
gives control for adapting the maximum brightness from the
source to the maximum brightness of the display. To use intesity
mapping first enable a CMS
for HDR intensity mapping and set the display brightness (in
nits) in the menu under Output: CMS: HDR Mapping.
Adjustments and optimization of how the source intensity
is transformed can be made on a per input memory basis
under Input: Options: HDR Mapping.
Added rs232 commands ZY417 and ZY518 for these HDR settings--see
Tech Tip 11 when updated or email Lumagen. Added option to use
left arrow to bring up input HDR settings in the menu under
Other: I/O Setup: Remote Ctl.
Fix made for an issue with auto aspect and using different
output aspects per input aspect. Fix a 3D output conversion
issue. Improved accuracy of genlock. Includes new firmware for
18Ghz output card. Other small bugfixes and improvements. Also see latest
<manual>for more details on HDR setup &
Update time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware and
it will also take an extra minute to power-up the first time
after updating
Beta 030317- Fix
for audio output to an Oppo HDMI input which was getting no
audio. Small fix to rs232 power-on command echo. Adds "menu
0944" command to enable basic audio formats from all Pro inputs
(2 channel pcm and Dolby Digital 5.1). Added Dolby Digital+
format to "menu 0943" command which enables common audio formats
from all Pro inputs. (The 0943 & 0944 commands are alternatives
to feeding back the audio capabilities, aka audio EDID, from a
device on output 1). Small improvement to fan operation at power
Update time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 022617-
Fix for a Roku compatibility problem causing picture loss that
has been in the last few updates.
Update time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 022517- Bug
fixed in 022017-022417 firmware which allowed unit temperature
to creep up too high.
Update time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 022417-Global: Audio: Mute Control
menu was broken in 022017-022317. Bugfix for switching issue in
022017-022317 on 18Ghz inputs that could give loss of video or
strange colors.
Update time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 022317- Adds
12 bit color to 420 inputs on 18Ghz cards. Fixup for "ZY46"
serial port command used with some calibration software. Fixed Output: Styles: HDMI Format: Rate Match
to always use 59.94/23.98 when set to "No". Fixup on hdcp
warning message being displayed too quickly in some situations.
Small bug fixed in Fan Control menu.
Update time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 022017-
Output color precision improved. Fix for incorrect EDID on Pro
inputs. Power-on to picture time was improved by 10 secs. Fixup
of Output: Styles: HDMI Format: Type
menu not allowing RGB-PC output type to be set. Some
improvement on input switching. Added minimum fan speed setting
in Other: Fan control
menu. High temperature warning raised to 105C. Added two button
command (Alt then
Prev) to restart HDMI outputs 1-4
and is useful for systems where displays have occasional
difficulty locking on to a signal.
Update time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 011417-
Fix for audio issue causing loss of audio or incorrect audio
format with some AVR's. Another audio fix having to do with
occasional dropouts with audio out of 18Ghz card. Fix for issue
that with some setups failed to use HDR or 2020 on output when
expected. New 18Ghz input card firmware fixes occasional video
loss on input mode change. Other small improvements.
Update time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware
---systems with 18Ghz input cards will have ~1 minute bootup
time on first power up after this update
Beta 010317-
Fix for 4K inputs sometimes giving small amount of horizontal
noise. Improved HDR transition. Improved audio unmute for 18Ghz
card. Other small improvements.
Update time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 123016-
Fix for case of no audio with some sources and 9Ghz Pro input
card. Fix for case of no audio with certain audio formats and
18Ghz Pro output card. Fix for incorrect HDCP status on 9Ghz
input card.
Update time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 122916-
Audio bug fixed that occurred when using 18Ghz output card. Fix
for no video on output when powering up on unconnected input.
Update time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 122716-
Fix for a new HDCP message being displayed when not needed.
Added an option to disable 18Ghz EDID for inputs on 18Ghz input
cards so that some older 9Ghz sources will play correctly. If
you have a problem (.ie no audio, incorrect color) with an older non-4k source into an 18Ghz
Pro input then
try setting 18Ghz to 'No' under Input: Options: HDMI Setup:
Video EDID in the Pro menu. Some other bugfixes and minor
Update time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 121716-
Adds 18Ghz output card support enabling 4K 50 and 60 Hz video at
highest quality on processed Radiance outputs (1-4).
Install this (or newer) update before installing one of the new
18Ghz output cards. Audio issue fix. Fix for half screen 4k test
pattern issue.
Update time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 110116- Fix
for output mode selection issue in 102916 and includes all other
improvements listed in 102916 update. Fixed up an issue in
101416-102916 firmware that could cause loss of
video in some situations like fast forwarding with some source
Update time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Don't use---has bug with selecting
output mode correctly Beta 102916-
Fixed bug in version 102116 that
in some cases could cause audio problems. Fix for input setup
not using correct input configuration in some situations. Fix
for issue that in some custom mode setups would make the menu
unreadable. Fix for a couple video loss issues. Some minor menu
Update time ~1 minute @230k from previous firmware
Beta 102116-
Fix for input mode issue that could result in no video output.
Improvements for 18ghz input card operation and works well with
Roku Ultra now (although Ultra is in need of a fix for it's
incorrect hdcp nag screen and buffering issues seen sometimes
with UHD video). Added Rate Match
command in menu under Output: Styles: StyleX: HDMI
Format: Rate Match to allow
disabling rate matching for displays that have excessive resync
times and would rather have slight rate mismatch. Couple small
menu improvements and fixes.
Update time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 101416-
Added to NLS setup screen to
allow for 100% linear stretch--NLS setup is under
Input: In Configs: RES: CFG: Size: ASPECT: NLStretch.
Center Size controls linear portion and has range from 15-75% or
100%. Improved color bandwidth for RGB sources. Several
improvements for switching inputs with new 18Ghz input cards.
Added manual override for 422, 444 or RGB input type in menu
under Input:Options:HDMI Setup:Type
. Added global 709 CMS Mode in menu under Global:
VIdeo with settings of Source
or Linear. Linear-Gamma mode is used in older Radiance models.
For the Radiance Pro Source-Gamma is used for Rec2020/HDR
currently and is now an option for Rec709 3D LUT calibration.
Check with your calibration software vendor for software updates
if you plan to use Source-709 Gamma mode.
Update time ~1 minute @230k from previous firmware
Beta 092516-
Fix for an issue with video input with18Ghz input card that
could sometimes be corrected by switching to another input and
back. Couple other small fixes.
Update time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 092316-
Fix for menu display issue with
custom 3440x1440 mode. Fix for not using SDR2020 mode went set
up to use it. Fix for incorrectly turning on 3D output mode in
certain situations when using 4k sources.
Update time ~1 minute @230k from previous firmware
Beta 092116-
Another fix for an issue with rs232 calibration sw communication
sometime corrupting test pattern. Fix for previous fw (091616)
bug with 4:3 input aspect command. Fix for an issue with 18Ghz
inputs that on occasion gave video a pinkish color. Fix for an
issue with snow on 18Ghz input card that did not self correct.
Update time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 091616-
Corrected firmware fix for rs232
communication in prior firmware. Fix for problem with a source
that prevented remote control interaction. Fix for a color issue
with 18Ghz input cards.
Update time ~1 minute @230k from previous firmware
Beta 091516-
Fix for an issue with rs232 calibration sw communication
sometime corrupting test pattern. Eliminated visual artifact
with interlaced source when switching between 2 inputs.
Update time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 091116-
Changed output colorspace command
settings in menu under Output: CMS's:CMSX:Colorspace
to set SDR or HDR (high dynamic range) in conjunction with the
colorspace. Prior to this HDR would be set on output if active
from the source. This behavior still holds true with the 'Auto'
colorspace setting but can be now manually overridden with other
output colorspace settings. Added per memory EDID options in
menu under Input: Options: HDMI Setup: Video EDID . The per memory EDID options
default to using the global EDID options but can be modified if
needed. Added direct menu code, "menu 0827", to implement fixed
zoom method from tech tip 16. Improvements in rs232 interface
for calibration software.
Update time ~1 minute @230k from previous firmware
Beta 090116-
Fix for case of slow switching in 082016. Fix for Panasonic
UB900 HDR issues. Fix for 9777 input card with 4k60 video at
power-on being stretched. Couple other small improvements.
Update time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 081416-
Several fixes for problems that could give weird colors for new
18ghz input cards. Couple fixes for even number input with 9777
card. EDID fix for rec2020. Couple small menu display
issues fixed. Fix for problems with HDR video output. Several
fixes to rs232 commands for use with rec2020, HDR and automated
test pattern control.
Update time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 080516-
Several bugfixes for new 18 Ghz
input cards. Added virtual inputs which allow assigning unused
input memories to other physical inputs which is useful if you
have need for more than the 4 normally (memory A-D) available
for each physical input. Virtual input function is accessed in
the menu under Input: Options: HDMI Setup: Physical In
. Bugfix for HDR not always being set (or unset) correctly on
video output. Added over temperature warnings in case of fan
failure. Fixup for genlock not working correctly in some
situations. Another fix for output triggers. Several more small
bugfixes and improvements.
Update time ~1 minute @230k from previous firmware
Beta 071616-
Added support for new 18Ghz input cards allowing 4k50/4k60 4:4:4
as well as 4K24 4:4:4 HDR. Contact for more information about
upgrading RadiancePro input cards from 9Ghz to 18Ghz. Added
support for HDR. The CMS selected for HDR is the same CMS used
for Rec2020 (see menu under Output: Output Setup).
If needed you can disable HDR from all sources in the menu under Global: Video: Src Format: HDR.
Samsung UBD-K8500 now working with 4k24 HDR-Rec2020 444 output
to the RadiancePro with new 18Ghz card. Added deep color
support. Numerous RS232 changes and additions for HDR/Rec2020
support---updated commands include ZY530,
ZY533. New commands: ZQI22,
ZQI51, ZY540-ZY547
(see updated TechTip11 rev072516 for details). Bugfix for input
top mask with 4k source. Bugfix for setting LBox Zoom to 'Off'.
Eliminated momentary screen blank when reselecting input aspect.
Fixed issue with interlaced input vertical masking and shift
settings not using same value as progressive. Fixed issue with
output triggers being incorrectly triggered.
Update time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 060616-
Includes all improvements and
changes in 052516 with some bug fixes and small speed up for
some cases of input switching.
Update time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware
This update has been problematic--use
060616 instead
Beta 052516- Added
input colorspace to test pattern mode command in the menu under Other: Test Pattern:Test Mode as well
as corrections to the test pattern mode function. Bugfix for fan
turnoff if Auto power-on was enabled---if you were using this or
are not sure then you should remove power after completion of
update before restarting. Bugfix for proper function of settings
in menu under Other: OnOff Setup. Bugfix for correct checkmarks on
CMS's after modifying Output Setup. Bugfix for sometimes using
incorrect CMS color decoder, black and white settings. Bugfix to
avoid corrupting a test pattern if the active but undisplayed
source turns off or changes modes. Added rs232 command to
set test pattern mode with input colorspace, ZY533ICSDM.
The 'I' field is the input
colorspace with legal values of 1 or 2 corresponding to Rec709
or Rec2020 (for further information on the other fields in this
command see the ZY532
command in Tech Tip 11). Added rs232 command ZQI50
to to query Rec2020 support on the display connected to main
video output (4 on 44XX and 2 on 42XX). ZQI50
replies with 'Y' or 'N'. Expanded rs232 command, ZY46,
to handle output colorspace as well as pixel format. Usage is
ZY46FC where 'F'
is pixel format as described in Tech Tip 11 and 'C'
(legal value 0-3) sets the current CMS output colorspace to
Auto,601,709 or 2020 respectively. Other small bugfixes and
Update time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 052116-
Fix for bad fan behavior and
After this update completes---make sure it's
complete---unplug power for 5 seconds, replug it and then power
up. The fan controller chip only
resets with power removed.
Update time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 052016-
Changes fan control to be automated with some flexibility to
trade off quietness for running fpga a bit warmer. Current fan
control setting is mapped to new "Temperature goal"
setting in the menu under Other: Fan control
. Bugfix for color issue with 480i and 576i. Bugfix for
sometimes losing input video on mode change. Improved display
EDID processing to handle a new method of specifying 4k60/50
Update time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 051216-
Adds Rec2020 colorspace support
(tested and working with UHD Panasonic UB900 blu-ray player).
After updating, if you wish to permit Rec2020 video to the Pro
then in the menu under
Global: Video: Src Format
modify the Rec2020 setting from "No" to "Auto" or "Yes". The
"Auto" setting will permit Rec2020 from sources connected to the
Pro if the display on output 4 (or 2 for 42XX) of the Pro
is connected to a Rec2020 capable display. The Output Setup menu
allows specifying different CMS's now for Rec2020 or Rec601/709
sources. A new CMS labeled "Default" is initially used for
Rec2020 sources after updating to this firmware. If calibration
and adjustment for Rec2020 is to be done then the CMS must be
changed from "Default" to another CMS in the
Output: Output Setup
menu. Each CMS can have it's output colorspace specified in the
menu under
Output: CMS's: CMS: Colorspace
(defaults to "Auto" which uses the colorspace detected from the
source). The label command for CMS's and Style's is now working.
The information screen now shows more complete video format
information, .ie 422-SDR2020 for 4:2:2 with SDR (Standard
Dynamic Range) and Rec2020. Bugfix for output bottom mask not
functioning independently from top mask. Input color precision
improvement for 422 input. Bugfix for several cases of no output
Update time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 040616-
Bugfix for genlock sometimes causing picture to blank out
momentarily or for video to not come on. Bugfix for not
resetting colors correctly on factory reset. Fix for poweron
issue not selecting correct memory. Fix for small error in
chroma blue which was most noticeable when chroma upsample error
correction (CUE) was enabled. Added 3D mode support to keystone
correction. Couple of other small fixes and improvements.
Update time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 040216-
Fixed bug in 0316-0324 firmware
which caused several different video problems
(blurred/dark/none). Fixed issue with setup for 480i/576i that
caused black crush. Fixed issue that could cause no video output
to be turned on in some cases. Fixed issue when restoring 3D
mode after test pattern enabled.
Update time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 032416-
Several bugfixes for keystone correction. Timing improvement in
fpga to correct some issues with video. Fixed up some
issues with custom timing mode setup in menu. Adds rs232 darbee
enhancement control--command is "ZY517GGGME". GGG is the gain
with range of 000-120 or "KKK" to keep current value. Also GGG
can be "+01" to "+99" or "-01" to "-99" for making relative
changes. M is the mode and can be 'P'/'G'/'H' or 'K' which
correspond to Pop/Game/HD modes or Keep current setting. E is
enable with legal values being '0'/'1'/'K' for off/on or Keep
current setting.
Update time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 031616-
Fixed issues with genlocking.
Adds keystone correction in menu under
Output: Styles:
Mask/Shrink: Keystone. Adds "Auto" output type in menu
Output: Style: HDMI format: Type. Added "Field flip"
option under
Input: In Configs: RES: Control: Deinterlace: Field
which may help with some interlaced sources. Fix for restoring ISF backup config. Added input and memory options for HDCP Type
menu and for Genlock menu. Many other bugfixes.
Update time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 022816-
Fix for showing wrong HDCP type setting in menu under Input:
Options: HDMI Setup: HDCP. Small fix to increase limit on Htotal
setting in custom timing menu.
Update time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 012116-
Fix for output video clock
inaccuracy which could cause frame drops and potentially loss of
Update time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 012016-
Fix for issue genlocking to 4K@24Hz (or 4K@25Hz) input sources
that resulted in loss of output video.
Update time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 011416-
Adds rs232 full information query command,
"ZQI21". Adds rs232 command, "ZY550" to reset automatic aspect
detection which is useful if user temporarily overrides it and
then wants to redetect automatically. Adds "Full" option to
reporting mode changes via rs232 in menu under
Other: I/O
Setup: RS-232 Setup.
Adds some improvements to automatic image based input aspect
detection. If you need
documentation on the new rs232 commands before our rs232 tech
tip is updated please email us at
Update time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 010816-
Added genlock in the menu under Input: Options: Genlock. Genlocking to a source can lower video delay and avoid an
occasional frame skip or double. Setting genlock can result in
slightly longer switching times between sources. Fix for auto
aspect with 4:3 source. Fix for issue with "Output Copy" between
styles that linkes the output shrink & mask such that changing
one would change the other. Changed the zoom control to be
temporary rather than saved setting. Fixed an issue with using
2.40 in output aspect per input aspect mode. Moved "Scale Bias"
in menu under Input: Options as it makes sense to be there
since it's not a per resolution/aspect setting. Other small
Update time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 010416-
The fix for the greenline problem
mentioned in update 123015 did not get included, it is now
working as intended in this update.
Update time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 010316-
A fix for output mask and shrink settings being mislocated. For
example, if you had set up Style 0 to use an output mask (or
shrink) it would use the mask setting from Style 1. If you
haven't done a "save" since updating then it should just be
fixed when you do this update. If it does not appear to be fixed
then a "save" may have been done and you can then properly
relocate the output shrink & mask settings by going into service
mode (pressing "menu 0910") and then pressing "menu 0744".
You should then do a "save" to keep the properly located
settings. If you're not using the output mask & shrink settings
or you've already noticed and manually fixed the output mask or
shrink settings you can ignore this update.
Update time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 123015-
Fixup of Output Mask and Output Shrink functions which were not
functioning in 120215-122215 firmware. Fix for 4k60 sources not
selecting 4K60 configs (was selecting "Other" config). Fix to
avoid getting a green line at top of screen when using test
patterns under certain circumstances. Fix for incorrectly allow
input config 8 to be selected in the Input Setup command. Some
other small fixes.
Update time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 122215-
(replaced 122115) Adds reinterlacing for poorly
deinterlaced 480/576p sources (in menu under Input: In Configs:
RES: CFG: Control: Reinterlace). Adds auto aspect detection (in
menu under Input: Options: Aspect Setup: Auto Aspect). Fix for
problems using vertical shift adjustment with 4k or interlaced
sources. Fix for bug with top line being red when displaying
fullscreen blue test patterns. Added direct codes to turn Darbee
on/off for all inputs, "menu 0861" (on) or "menu 0860" (off).
Adds warmup test patterns (in menu under Other: Test Pattern:
Update time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 120415-
Fixup of initial temperature displayed when pressing "Ok" on
remote to display status. Fixup of overlapping messages on fan
setting menu in 120215-120315 firmware.
Update time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 120215-
Couple of important changes to
input menu which now allow selection of input settings based on
input resolution including 4K or Cinema 4K (4096 pixels wide vs.
3840). We had to change up the input menu a little to
accommodate this so now under "Input" there is an "Input Setup"
menu which assigns different input configs based on the input
resolution. There is also a separate input configuration menu
where you make settings for the different "In Configs". So the
Input menu is now similar to the output side where we have
an Output Setup menu that selects CMS, Style, etc based on the
input mode. Also added many more modes to the Output Setup menu
so you can differentiate 4K and many others for selecting the
output settings. Note: due to the input menu changes it's
possible you may have to redo a couple of input settings if your
setup was complex enough.
For this reason you may want to download the new config utility
that now supports the Pro and save your configuration first.
Several bugfixes for loss of output video under certain
conditions. Some other smaller bugfixes. Couple small
tweaks to the temperature readout in Fan menu. Added direct code
to set input HDCP to 1.X ("menu 0811") or back to the default of
HDCP 2.2 ("menu 0821")---useful for some new 4K sources if you
have an older HDCP 1.4 display.
Update time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 110615-
Improves audio muting in cases where some audio processors
connected to a Pro output would still produce noise on power up
or switching inputs. Also added ability to mute for longer time
(in the menu under Global: Audio: Mute Control).
Update time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 110415-
Added per input memory selection
for HDCP 2.2 /HDCP 1.x. This allows older 1.x displays to
display material from some of the newer UHD sources (like
Shield/FireHD/Roku4). When the UHD source sees that it's
connected to a 1.x device it may send lower resolution than UHD
(.ie FireHD sends 1080p in this case). This new Pro setting is
found in the menu under "Input: HDCP".
Update time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 110115-
for 103115 firmware---if you loaded 103115 then please update to
this firmware asap to avoid an issue where the fan could turn
off causing the unit to overheat.
Update time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 103115-
Adds a larger range of fan speed
settings and a temperature readout.
Update time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 103015-
Adds fan speed settings in menu under "Other : Fan control" and
the normal fan speed is quiter---the low setting is quieter
still. Fix for some rarely used output modes with pixel
clocks greater than 160mhz that are not 4k modes (.ie 1080p72).
The output copy menu was added back in.
Update time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 102715-
Fix for matrix switch issue (outs
5-10) not turning on with last selected sources. Added option
capability for external triggers and 3D eyeglass output.
Update time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 102215-
Fix for a couple of issues in 102115 when using a deinterlaced
source and selecting test patterns or performing a screen clear
for menu displays.
Update time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 091515-
Adds 3D support for all common 3D formats. When running this
update disconnect all but the selected source and allow the
single connected source to play a non interrupted video--like a
movie while the update runs. This avoids a problem during the
update which has occurred for some users in previous updates.
The issue causing this problem is now fixed and updates after
this should work fine regardless of the connected sources.
Update time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 090215-
Fix for input color issue with
DVI sources. Fix for incorrect output colors occurring under
certain conditions. Fix for video not coming on sometimes when
unit was turned off and back on. Added audio mute duration
control (in the menu under Global: Audio: Mute Control) to
extend audio muting when switching between sources.
Update time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 082815-
Adds 4K60 input support. Fixup for test patterns with certain
setup conditions that caused the pattern to not fill in
correctly. Adds in Output:Style:HDMI Format: Color Format menu
command. Adds a Menu SIze option into Menu Options under Other:
Menu Control.
Update time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 082015-
Fix for input colorspace problem
with rgb source into inputs 7 and 8. Adds ability to set output
colorspace (.ie RGB, YCbCr422, etc) in menu under
Output:Styles:HDMI Format:Type. Fixed incorrect reporting of
output colorspace when in 4k60 output mode.
Update time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 081015-
Fix for 2.35 overscan test pattern. Fix for input color space
errors with 480i/576i. Fix for "Settings have changed" message
being incorrectly displayed. Video detection improvements to
avoid loss of output video in some cases. Fixup of certain user
control sequence causing corrupted output video. Improved audio
mute. Fix for leftover onscreen test patterns at top of screen
after exiting test pattern command if vertical shift is being
used. Other small fixes.
Update time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 072915-
Fix for 2.35 output aspect ratio
setup when shrinking top and bottom. Fix for problem with
setting vertical shift greater than 0 when using output shrink
(a combination sometimes used for setting up a 2.35 output
aspect). Fix for issues with not displaying video source on
occasion. Fix for occasional loss of output video on switching
sources or output modes.
Update time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 070715-
A couple more audio bug fixes
made. Please let us know if audio works better for you now
and/or what audio problems you're having via email at
Update time ~1 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 070215-
Audio bug fixes made. For now,
output audio formats are derived from output 1 and that is the
primary audio output.
Update time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 070115-
Improvements for input switching
and input source changes to blank video while resynchronizing to
new source. Fixes for performing "Output Setup" command with
inputs 5 & 6. Change to allow audio only output from hdcp 2.2
Update time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Beta 061915-
Test patterns now working
(accessible in menu under "Other : Test Pattern"). Adds Darbee
enhancement for all sources that are 1080p or less. Individual
audio/video enables available in Output Setup menu for processed
outputs 1-4. Fix to allow using CMS's other than CMS
number 0. Fix for 4k60 video output. Improved input mode
detection giving faster more reliable input switching.
Note: Any saved setup data will be lost when updating
from previous firmware to this one.
Update time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware
Alpha 060315-
Fan is now quiet. Adds 4k60/4k50
output mode in output setup menu as well as a direct commands
(menu 029 & menu 025 respectively). Fix for 1080i input rate
detection. Fix for incorrect output mute. Added direct code,
"menu 0541" to toggle video enable to output 1 (for audio
receivers not able to handle 4k). Added "menu 0546" to toggle
audio enable on outputs 2-4. These are temporary commands until
more options are available in the menu.
Update time ~5 minutes @230k from previous firmware