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Updating the VisionDVI, VisionHDP, VisionHDQ & VisionProHDP

About the updates: The most current firmware upgrade for the VisionDVI, VisionHDP, VisionHDQ and VisionProHDP is shown at the top of the list below this section. You can check your firmware revision by pressing "menu",0903 on your remote. The update can be performed with a PC and a serial cable. See the change log at the bottom of this page for more details on the updates. All updates are complete and contain everything from earlier updates so there is no issue with skipping updates.

Running the update: Download the new update and unzip it. Connect up your PC and your unit with a DB9-F to DB9-F null-modem serial cable. Insure you have a stable power supply to the unit as there is a window of a few seconds at the end when the flash is reprogrammed that if the power went out it would then need to be reprogrammed at the factory--don't do it during a lightning storm!

Turn the unit on. On the PC double click (run) the downloaded utility. It will start updating which can take a couple of minutes. The PC utility will finish and tell you when its done. If the utility finishes with an error (due to a communication error), just turn the unit off and back on and rerun the utility.

Note: All the configuration information is normally retained during an update (unless otherwise noted in the update notes below) so you usually won't have to write down your current settings or redo anything.



Download Update History


  Production Release 090108-    Bugfix for some missing test patterns in 071808. Bugfix for updating with older configurations which would result in distorted colors until a factory reset. When you press "menu 0903" it will now show you your configuration revision. It's not a problem if it's not current but if you're recalibrating you should start with a factory reset which will make the configuration current and will give better calibration results. You can also reset the configuration to the current level by enabling service mode ("menu 0910") and going into IN:CONFIG:COLR:CTMP and pressing "ok" to reset the grayscale data--remember a "save" is needed to keep any configuration changes before powering down.  A bug was fixed for flashing lines in video that occurred with a few systems. 


Production Release 071808-  Bugfix for YC delay not getting updated for input mode changes (until entering the YC delay command). Bugfix for output mode gamut not getting initialized (could result in weird colors or no color (this could have been worked around by using  the gamut command to disable or set defaults which would correct it). Bugfix for output shrink parameters incorrectly affecting aspect  sidebar (or top/bottom  bar) widths.


  Production Release 012608-    A couple bugfixes for the new gamut command. Also added the ability to toggle between small & large window patterns and live video while making the gamut adjustment (press '4' to toggle between these).


Production Release 012508-  Fix for 1080-24p input to 1080-24p output (previously would stutter). Adds primary color gamut control. Must be in service mode (press "menu 0910") and then find it under OUT:MISC:GAMUT. A color probe is necessary to correct primaries accurately. Adds a no-op character ('_') to rs232 interface. Couple other small bugfixes.                                


  Production Release 032507-    Bugfix- when initially enabling NLS by selecting it  in the menu the capability to adjust it visually would not work. If you already had NLS setup on your system then you most likely would not have noticed this issue.


Production Release 030107-  A fix for stuttering issue with newly added 1080-24p output mode. A fix for visually cropping bottom of 1080i sources. A fix for a timeout issue when using color temp menu and the text is turned off.                               


  Production Release 022007-    Adds 1080-24p output for HDP, HDQ, ProHDP. To select it use the VRES command in the menu. When you set the VRES to 1080 it will ask you whether you want interlaced, progressive (which uses the currently set vertical rate), 24 SF, or 24 P.  This is the only method allowed for setting the vertical rate to 24Hz.


Production Release 010807-  A fix for the PAL force film deinterlacing mode not performing too well (would comb for a time occasionally). If you're watching PAL film sources this mode should now work better than the AUTO modes. Couple other small bug fixes.                                        


  Production Release 010607-    Fixes a couple of issues that occurred in the 122206 release but had been working in prior releases: SDI input had breakup for HDP/HDQ/ProHDP, genlock was not working for NTSC or PAL sources for all units. Added a small option to disable power-on messages when "on" is pressed and power is already on, press "menu 0916" to disable/enable. 


Production Release 122206-  Adds support for 1080-24p, 1080-25p and 1080-30p as input sources on all the current units. Works great with Sony BDP-S1 Blu-ray player. The only caveat is that if you're running HDMI into a receiver/audio processor before the Lumagen you'll likely find it doesn't like 1080-24p and won't get a picture that way. So you may have to decide between using coax/optical audio outputs with 1080-24p video going direct to the Lumagen vs. HDMI audio and 1080i going through the receiver to the Lumagen. To get 1080-24p to come out of the Sony you need to make a couple of settings on the Sony and your Lumagen, see the  <faq> for how to set things up.  There were also a few other small bug fixes.


  Production Release 112206-    Improves deinterlacing of PAL and NTSC film sources on DVI inputs (biggest improvement was for PAL film deinterlacing). Fixes a slight line twitter issue with 1080i sources using 1080i output mode.  Fixes a slight line bounce issue with 1080i film sources being converted to progressive resolutions less than 600p. Adds a test pattern mode setting which allows for selecting test patterns that use the input settings or are independent of the input settings. Prior to this test patterns always used the input settings but if you're wanting to just have an unchanging test pattern reference then you should change the test pattern mode that you'll find in the menu next to the test pattern menu item. Added a better edid entry for 1366x768 which is more recognizable by PC's--must use edid setting of USER or DFLT+EXT to enable this. Correction to color temp window pattern IRE values (something that's only available when in service mode). Added rs232 access to contrast 2 test pattern. Bugfix for an rs232 command (ZT) that prints text onscreen--could lock up unit if performed when unit was in standby mode. Small correction to window test pattern (background was slightly above 0 IRE). Added 100% smpte color bars (use up/down arrows to switch between 75% and 100%). Changed overscan pattern so lines are spaced at 2% intervals instead of 20 pixels.


Production Release 100706- Fixes problem of a few bad pixels in upper left corner of display for digital output mode for inputs 3 & 4 occurring with 100606 release.
Production Release 100606-
Fixes problem in 092806-100506 releases with 1080i sources that caused intermittent breakup of video in some situations. Bugfix for internal test patterns that under several conditions might shift the pattern or cause it to only fill half the screen. Small modification was made to the mask command to allow changing between masks without them being reset. Added functionality for INPUT button on advanced remote. Added function for ALT button on advanced remote to select masks. So, for example,  you can press ALT then 2 to enable mask number 2 or you could press ALT then CLR to turn off masking. Valid mask numbers are 1-15.To see what's available on the new advanced remote <click here> .
Production Release 092806- 
  Adds support for buttons on new advanced remote. Adds genlock for 48hz in and 48hz out. Adds per-memory input types. Adds FILM deinterlacing mode to force film mode. Adds AUTO2 deinterlacing mode for HD. AUTO2 switches to VIDNC mode when dropping into video mode. AUTO was relabeled to AUTO1 and it uses VIDPP mode for video as it always has. Adds second line for rs232 text display command, see the <faq>  for details. Bugfix for not maintaining correct aspect ratio when zooming under certain conditions. Adds a second contrast test pattern that has a 0 IRE background with 3 sets of -4 and +4 IRE bars. Contrast2 test pattern modified to have a minus 4 to plus 4 IRE ramp in the middle of screen. Fixes a problem with Toshiba HD DVD player HDCP handshaking that occasionally would result in "snow" instead of video. If you wish to enable this Tosh fix it you must go to IN->CONFIG->DVI->HOTPLG and set it to RECON (which means that when video is dropped and restarted by the source, as is the case with the Toshiba A1,  hotplug will be toggled upon reconnection of video). The RECON setting eliminates the bad HDCP connection with the Toshiba thus avoiding a screen of snow but the Toshiba also does not seem to do 422 after its enabled. So if you wish to use 422 and you get a screen of snow from your Toshiba you can press "stop" and "play" on the Toshiba until the picture comes back and once the picture is up it stays up.


  Production Release 080406-   Bugfix for users of auto-independent mode for occurrences where wrong memory would be selected. Also allows selection of any memory in auto-indep mode when there is no signal on the input.


Production Release 080306-   Bugfix for 48hz, 1080p, passthru  setup with a 1080i film source resulting in some occasional stuttering in picture. Bugfix for possibly getting a snowy screen when switching from DVI to analog inputs. Bugfix for occasional slow display response when changing from HD to SD on a source (like a cable box) when genlock is on. Added feature for VisionProHDP to allow skipping unused inputs when using front panel input select button--disable a particular input by selecting it with the remote and then under MISC->CNTRL->SKIP switch it to YES.


  Production Release 072906-   Bugfix for switching from HD to SD and video not appearing until pressing the "ok" button on remote. Bugfix for DVI input 4 (on VisionHDQ only) not signaling hotplug which would result in some DVD players not working on input 4.


Production Release 072606-   Bugfix for 072506 release for problem switching to SDI inputs when in auto-independent mode.
Production Release 072506- 
 Big improvement in blanking output video when switching between inputs and memories. Its also a bit quicker when switching. Bugfix for auto-ind output mode usage with DVI inputs. Several other small bugfixes.


  Production Release 071706-   Adds a new feature for shrinking the output image in order to correct overscan with some digital displays and as a convenience when using screen masking systems. See the <faq> for more details on the new "shrink" command. Bugfix for an HDCP message that can incorrectly be displayed (bug was in 0713 sw). Adds rs232 commands for zoom, output aspect, and new output shrink command see the <faq> here.


Production Release 071306- Replaces 070506 which had a minor bug with internal test patterns that caused them to display and quickly turn off on some inputs with inactive video.
Production Release 070506- Replaces 070206 which had a small bug. Also allows the masking feature to adjust left, right, top & bottom separately (ie. top/bottom and left/right were always the same width in 070206). If you were one of the few that updated to 070206 and used the new mask feature you'll have to go adjust 2 of the edges again since the 4 edges are adjusted separately now. Also adds the field flip capability for 1080i input on DVI--this allows us to fix an error with the Humax receivers' ( a device available in the UK) 1080i output over HDMI. So if you're using the Humax receiver with 1080i into the Lumagen DVI input go to IN->CONFIG->CNTRL->DEINT->FIELD and set it to FLIP and you'll fix the up/down jitter.
Production Release 070206- 
 Adds a masking (aka borders) feature. Look for it in the menu under IN->CONFIG->ADJ->SIZE->MASK. There are 15 masks that can be shared between input memories, see the <faq>  for more info.  Bugfix for faint banding with component inputs which was in 061606-061706 sw.


  Production Release 061706-   Changes the EDID default back to the 060506 setting (Samsung Blu-Ray and other Samsung HDMI players needed this simpler setup). The newer default EDID option is now labeled EDID+EXT and adds more display modes such as 480i. Also added 444 YCbCr EDID flag to the EDID user mode (you can enable it under IN->CONFIG->DVI->EDID with USER mode). If source device does switch to 444 YCbCr mode than you'll need to change the DVI input type to HDMI 444 component. Note that for some Samsung players including the latest Blu-Ray player you can only use DFLT or PASS mode. See the <faq> for more details on the new EDID functionality.


Production Release 061606-   Adds extended EDID functionality which will allow users to get 422 YCbCr from the Toshiba HD DVD player for instance. For more info on the new EDID functionality go to the <faq>  . Bugfix for cropping right edge with 2.35 output aspect and 16:9 input aspect. Now displays NLS on status line when non-linear stretch mode is active. New default setting for 768p-50hz output. Bugfix for missing 6 pixels in bottom-right corner in passthru mode. Bugfix for missing 1 pixel of right edge in passthru mode. Bugfix for occasional incorrect setting of deinterlacing mode when switching inputs/memories under certain conditions.


  Production Release 060506-   Added new test patterns (color bars, gray ramp, magenta, yellow, cyan field) and also reordered them a bit. Bugfix for VIDEO deinterlacing mode problem that could still allow unit to go into film mode. AUTO2 deinterlacing mode was improved for PAL video (in general AUTO2 should be preferable if you're watching mix of video and film).  When in NLS mode will now display NLS instead of 4:3 on status. Bugfix for HDQ when switching between some 1080i sources and a scart source on inputs 5 and 6 which gave s strip of lines overlaying the scart video and would go away if you reselected the scart input type.


Production Release 051806-   Adds a fix for the Toshiba HDA1 HD DVD player colorspace error with HD DVD's. Press "menu 0948" to enable correction of this color error on a per memory basis. By pressing "menu 0948" again you can toggle the correction off. Bugfix for an error that can occur in independent output mode when detecting 1080i source material that can on occasion result in the output mode not being set up correctly. Bugfix when using independent output mode with 1080i sources which could cause deinterlacing to get stuck in video mode even when watching a film source.


  Production Release 051406-   Adds a new deinterlacing mode for SD sources which is more careful about switching into film mode.  The new mode is labeled AUTO2, the original AUTO mode is labeled AUTO1. AUTO2 is preferable (in cases we've seen) if you're watching a mix of video and film on a given input. Fixes a case of false PAL film detection. Fixes an issue when using PAL with an output refresh rate other than 50hz which would result in unnecessary stuttering if genlock had ever been turned on. Bugfix for intermittent field flip error when using 1080i source & 1080i output & set for passthru.


Production Release 042606-   Bugfix for HDMI 444 YCbCr input colorspace which was not changing between SD & HD when the input mode changed---not to be confused with an upcoming fix for the HD-A1 RGB colorspace issue (to work around what is actually a Toshiba bug).


  Production Release 042506-  Fixes a color bug in the 042106 release that caused screen to go green/blue under certain conditions.
Production Release 042106- 
Completes the 10 bit datapath for the HDP/HDQ/ProHDP.   


Production Release 041406-  The 041006 release had a bug that disabled Scart input types, this update fixes that. Also a bugfix for 1080-24sf output when used with 1080i film input.
Production Release 041006-  Adds per input sidebar and bottom/topbar intensity settings. Previously this was a global setting.  Adds a special command (press "menu 0971") to enable use of the 1.85 input aspect button as 2.35 (really a 2.35 aspect letterboxed in a 16:9 window as done on many DVD's) on a per input memory basis. Previously you needed to select 16:9 as the input aspect and zoom in twice. Fixes the overscan and crosshatch test pattern width--they were a pixel short.


  Production Release 031906-  Fixes bug in 0308-0318 release which under certain conditions would have a discoloration in the upper left corner of a few pixels.  
[DOWNLOAD]   Production Release 031806-  Fixes bug in 030806 release which under certain conditions would have a discoloration on a few pixels of the left edge.
Production Release 030806-  Improved 1080i per-pixel motion adaptive deinterlacing (the VIDPP or AUTO modes) to minimize blur during motion in video. Adds 1080i to 1080p passthru capability (enabling the PASS setting under IN->CONFIG->ADJ->SIZE->SCALE previously was ignored for this combination of input and output resolution).  Bug fix for genlock when using 1080p-48hz output. Adds fullscreen grayscale patterns for use with the color temperature (CTMP) command that is accessible in the service menu. Bug fix for RGB input (DVI-D or analog) colorspace conversion. Note: If you've already calibrated colors correctly (which involves adjusting the color and hue offsets) then you've already compensated for the error and you needn't do anything. If you haven't calibrated the colors for such an input source then press "menu 0906" to enable the colorspace conversion correction (note that you can toggle back to the uncorrected conversion by pressing "menu 0906" again). Also, if you do a factory reset the unit will use the new, correct conversion.
[DOWNLOAD]   Production Release 021906- Replaces 021806 release. Fixes bug in 0205 thru 0218 sw which under some circumstances would cause SD deinterlacing to look bad (lots of jaggies). Observed on SDI input but could occur on other SD inputs as well.
Production Release 021806-
Replaces 021406 release. Fixes bug with menus which occurred occasionally when changing the deinterlacing mode for HD. Fixes a bug that when passthru mode was enabled but not actually in effect causing 1080i inverse telecine to not run--and if watching the film/video flag it would appear to be stuck in one of those modes.
Production Release 021406-
Replaces 020506 release. Adds 108024sf support for 1080i inverse telecine. Fixes stutter issue with 1080i inverse telecine using 48hz refresh rate for output. Fixes issue switching to 720p source after 1080i in the 020506 release. Fixes video degradation issue for 1080i inverse telecine when running greater than 900p with 72 or 75 hz refresh rate.
Pre-Production Release 020506-
Adds 1080i inverse telecine for the HDP and ProHDP models. This first release works for 1080i-60hz sources running the Lumagen output rate at 48,60 and 72hz (actual vals are 47.95, 59.94 and 71.93hz) and 1080i-50hz sources running 50 or 75 hz output refresh rates. The 1080-24SF output is not working yet for inverse telecine and running the Lumagen output rate at 72 or 75 hz there is display degradation when running output resolutions beyond 900p. We'll be working to get these last couple of issues corrected soon. Pressing "menu 0918" enables a F(ilm)/V(ideo) status display---a single character in the lower right hand part of the screen will show you whether its in film or video mode. You need to have the deint mode for HD (in the menu under IN->CONFIG->CNTRL->DEINT) set to "auto" to allow inverse telecine to turn on when film is detected. There are several other small bug fixes in this release.
[DOWNLOAD]   Production Release 122705-  Replaces the 122305 release which had some fpga timing issues.
Production Release 122305- 
Replaces the 120805 release which had an issue with SDI inputs and the DVI-D output on the VisionDVI. Also fixes an issue seen with certain component 720p sources that would intermittently disrupt the picture (was seen on a newer Sony HD300 satellite receiver).
Production Release 120805- Adds the choice of the LBOX remote button as NLS disable (before only the 1.85 button could be used). Fixes a bug when cropping right edge with NLS enabled. Fixes bug when adjusting bottom-right and making aspect selection. Fixes bug on SDI inputs when source is film and output is 24sf. Fix for skipping frames when PAL video is the source and output at 60hz rate. Fix for VisionHDP and VisionDVI not powering up on optional SDI inputs when set up to do so. 
[DOWNLOAD]   Production Release 111205- Fixes a case when using a PAL source with output rate set around 60hz with genlock on that caused judder. Fixes a faint line issue for some cases in the HD per-pixel motion adaptive deinterlacing and improves the detail for resolutions less than 1080p (tooting our horn--saw dramatic improvement comparing our 1080i->768p conversion vs. the internal conversion on a nice $5k plasma). Adds 1080 24sf support for HD per-pixel motion adaptive deinterlacing. 
[DOWNLOAD]   Production Release 110705- Added an RS232 powerup/powerdown command (turn on the Lumagen and it can turn on your projector for example) <click here> to read about it in the faq. Added per-pixel motion adaptive deinterlacing for 1080i sources,  <click here> to read about its usage. Bugfix for 50hz source going out at 60 hz judder, bugfix for case of bad film/video detection on DVI inputs, bugfix for analog horizontal active timing adjustment, improvement in video output for certain genlock cases (eliminates some noise in a case that was found). 
[DOWNLOAD]   Production Release 100405- Replaces 092705 and fixes several bugs when using 1080i sources, fixes a screen tear issue, fixes the ability to use Scart on the VisionDVI. Note for VisionDVI users: due to processing limitations if you are using analog output in either auto mode or analog only mode (press "menu 0932" to check the mode) and you wish to use the new 1080i processing you need to set the pixel clock to 99Mhz or less. It's normally at 108mhz in these modes and you can press "menu 0933" to check or modify the pixel clock. When changing the pixel clock you'll want to select "RECALC CRTC PARAMS" in order to keep the output mode as close as possible to your current settings when the clock is changed.
Production Release 092705-
Replaces 092005 and fixes the cropping issue on the bottom, edge color problems on right and left side and the 1080i@50hz judder issue. If you find problems with this new update please email us at support@lumagen.com with a description of the issue and send your configuration file if possible.
Production Release 092005-
New and improved 1080i deinterlacing gives improved sharpness and removes any line bounce for 1080i sources with output modes greater than 480p. The other half of the 1080i improvements (which can only fit in the HDP and ProHDP) for an even sharper picture with 1080i film sources (technically referred to as 1080i inverse telecine) is the next piece of the 1080i enhancements to be added. Adds an rs232 command for printing messages onscreen which can be used for useful for centrally automated home theater systems. For documentation of this new rs232 command
<click here> .
[DOWNLOAD]   Production Release 090805- Fixes a bug where NLS mode would get incorrectly turned on for the letterbox input aspect. Fixes the intermittent PC bootup issue mentioned below.
Production Release 090705-
The 090105 revision dropped access to the color temp command in the service menu. This update fixes that.
Production Release 090105: Fixes a judder issue that occurred with video sources when driving a different refresh rate then the source (particular case was 50hz in and 75hz out)---note there is always a small amount of judder in a case like this but the bug gave a much worse result. Fixes a bug which made genlock locking take too long. Fixes a bug which could turn off video out under certain circumstances. There is currently an issue with releases after 081605 with PC's booting up on DVI inputs correctly--if you're using a PC on a DVI input please continue with 081605 for now.
[DOWNLOAD]   Production Release 082905: Fixes a bug when cropping bottom-right (with CROP->BOTR command) which is in the 0823-0826 sw. Adds option to NLS command to use 1.85 aspect button on remote as a 4:3 aspect with NLS off (for more details <click here>  ). Fixes a tearing issue when using genlock that in most cases could occur only when vertical output resolution was over 800.
[DOWNLOAD]   Production Release 082605: Replaces 082305 and fixes VisionDVI portion of update which had problems with inputs 3 & 4. No change for VisionHDP or VisionProHDP from the 082305 release so if you have those units there is no reason to re-update to 082605.
Production Release 082305: Adds a much improved NLS (non-linear stretch mode) commonly used to eliminate sidebars when using widescreen displays with 4:3 material <click here> for more details on usage. If you're using the old NLS command currently please note that although the new NLS command tries to be compatible with the old version you may need to do some cropping adjustments on the sides using IN->CONFIG->ADJ->SIZE->TOPL and BOTR but the new capabilities more than compensate for the inconvenience. Adds an enhancement to SD video resolution when using "DEINT->AUTO" mode (the enhancement was already in use if "DEINT->VIDEO" mode was used). Fixes a genlock issue that under specific conditions could cause a screen tear at bottom of picture. Fixes IRE adjust bug in warmup test pattern.
[DOWNLOAD]   Production Release 081605: replaces 081005 as the DVI output noise/timing issue was not enough and some units had video noise with that update. Also fixed a bug with a screen-tear that could occur with genlock on and some combinations of zooming/cropping and input/output resolutions.
Production Release 081005: replaces 080905 as the shift issue mentioned was not completely fixed. There was also a possible DVI output noise issue in 080905.
Production Release 080905: several genlock mode bug fixes. Genlock with xbox issue fixed. In addition to the normally used output rates of 50 & 59.94 Hz, output refresh rates such as 48, 72, 75 Hz and 24sf should now work well with genlock and film sources. Improvements to PAL deinterlacing which fixes some occurrences of combing and incorrect switches between film/video mode when the deint->auto mode is set. Fixed an issue in the 07xxxx revs which could cause a horizontal shift when changing between HD sources.
[DOWNLOAD]   Production Release 072605: replaces 072505 release. One more genlock bug fixed which would give flashing output sometimes with NTSC or PAL sources.
Production Release 072505: Couple more bugfixes for genlock that resulted in dropped frames, especially when using 24/48/72/75 hz output rates. Fix for intermittent line twitter when using a 1080i source and using 1080i output.
[DOWNLOAD]   Production Release 072405- replaces 072305 another genlocking bug was fixed.
Production Release 072305-
replaces 072205 with additional bugfix for genlock feature.
Production Release 072205-
replaces 072005 and fixes various bugs with the new genlock feature. Also, for further explanation of genlock <click here>.
Production Release 072005 -
Added genlock (source lock) feature. Genlock can be used when you've got matching input and output refresh rates such as NTSC in (which is 59.94hz) and 59.94hz out and serves to avoid dropped or repeated frames on the output. Can also be used for film sources when the output rate is a multiple of the input rate such as output rates of 24Sf, 47.95hz & 71.93hz when using NTSC input or an output rate of 75hz with PAL input (50hz). You must enable genlock under the IN menu (IN->CONFIG->CNTRL->GENLCK). You can check the status of genlock by pressing "ok" several times when no menu is onscreen. There are some situations where it is disabled even when turned on such as if you've got a 50hz source and you're output rate is at 59.94hz. The status will be either off, disabled, locking or locked.
The deint menu was moved under the CNTRL menu. Added a separate copy command for the inputs to copy only color information (under IN->COPY).  Modified color and hue adjustment command such that if you're in service mode and you're executing one of the color/hue adjustment commands the only color displayed is the one being adjusted---saves on having to use those color filters. Enter service mode by pressing "menu 0910". Bugfix for PC/VIDEO level not adjusting level on DVI input which was in the last few releases but had gone unnoticed. Bugfix for special case of switching between DVI and analog outputs in independent output mode when analog output was component.
[DOWNLOAD]   Production Release 062005 - Adds EDID support for 1280x1024 DVI input (some PC's won't allow setting a mode without seeing EDID support for the mode).  Fixed 1024x768 DVI input for VisionDVI (already worked on HDP & ProHDP's). Bugfix for a cropping issue which occurs under only certain conditions and caused cropping changes on one memory to effect another memory on the same input--note that if you have this bug you will likely need to slightly adjust the cropping on the top (and save it) for one of the memories after applying this update. Bugfix for rare power-up hang seen in 0530 release that required power cycle to correct
[DOWNLOAD]   Production Release 053005 - Big improvements to the color temperature command. For  details <click here> to read about it in the FAQ. A bugfix for 480-720p sources which under certain conditions could result in an odd vertical tear in the picture. Some improvements to IR command reception. Menu color is less green.  Other minor bugfixes.
[DOWNLOAD]   Production Release 051105 (replacing 051005)- Fixed a bug in 051005 which for some configurations caused  black/contrast levels to be shifted slightly, degrading the picture.
Production Release 051005 (replaces 050905)-
ixed a bug for letterbox mode (under some circumstances screen would roll when set). Fixed a bug on setting field flip bit when changing inputs.

Production Release 050905 (replaces 050305 which had an fpga timing issue)- Slight precision improvement to video datapath. Updated timings to analog inputs for 1080i@50 and 720p@50 (incorrectly cropped some of these sources)--so you may need to readjust input cropping if you have such a source using menu command IN->CONFIG->ADJ->SIZE->TOPL and BOTR. Bugfix for intermittent video-slowdown (mostly seen for PAL but some dropped frames were also seen occasionally with NTSC for some sources due to this bug). Bugfix for certain configurations usually on SDI inputs where the deinterlacer would not lock into FILM mode.  Extended timing again on IR remote interface to further help learning remotes. Improved input mode detection for quicker and more reliable signal acquisition on inputs 3 & 4. Added new contrast test pattern (find it under MISC->TPAT). Several other minor bugfixes.
[DOWNLOAD]   Production Release 042505- rev042205 had several bugs that were unique to it and are now fixed:  DVI inputs with PC levels (colors were off), IR remote improvement had an issue with learning remotes (this is still being tested but believed to be fixed now),  status display would stay onscreen much too long.
[DOWNLOAD]   Production Release 042205- Contouring improvements (most noticeable for 480p/576p/ and 1080i or when using PC input levels via DVI). IR remote reception improved. Bugfix for sharpness setting of -1. A couple of bugs were fixed that could force a user to do a power cycle to resolve. A fix was made for component analog 1080i output sync compatibility.
[DOWNLOAD]   Production Release 041205 (replaced 041105)- Fixes a cropping difference between 0405-0407 and previous versions which made the top & bottom cropping slightly off from what had been configured for some inputs.
[DOWNLOAD]   Production Release 040705- Code performance improvements (can help deinterlacing processing). Bugfix for auto-indep mode bug where manually changing memories would be overridden by the auto pal/ntsc feature.
[DOWNLOAD]   Production Release 040505- For VisionHDP & VisionProHDP adds sharpening/softening adjustment for all inputs (located under IN->CONFIG->ADJ->SHARP ). Improved precision in video pipeline for all 3 units. Some portions of 10 bit datapath added to VisionHDP & VisionProHDP. Bugfix for intermittent issue of input changing/screen turning green when performing some menu adjustments. Bugfix for error in analog SD colorspace with component output (most users use HD colorspace).
[DOWNLOAD]   Production Release 032005- Adds HD capability for 50/60Hz auto memory switching (this is for auto-independant output mode). Bugfix for HD mode detection in 031205 release. Slight improvements to 480p/720p/1080i component input sampling. Fix for cropping right edge for 1080i inputs.
[DOWNLOAD]   Production Release 031205- Fix for timing menu--sw rev 0301-0302 made it difficult to set exact timing & refresh rate. Fix for flashing menus which occurred for certain output resolutions. Software performance issue fixed which could have occasional impact on deinterlacing quality. Fix for copy input command (didn't copy yc delay).  Adds direct codes to set deinterlacing mode to "auto" or "video" (press "menu 81" or "menu 82" respectively).
[DOWNLOAD]   Production Release 030205- Minor update from 030105, only change is a fix for the auto-independant mode switching issues (useful for users with sources switching between PAL & NTSC).
[DOWNLOAD]   Production Release 030105- Fixes a framedropping issue in the previous release. Fixed an HDCP incompatibility issue with the Kaleidescape video server.
[DOWNLOAD]   Production Release 022405- (replaces 022305 which missed the letterbox button remote function) Upgrade to PAL & NTSC deinterlacing. Added ability to select between auto or video mode options for deinterlacing (menu location: IN->CONFIG->ADJ->DEINT->MODE). Added ability to flip fields for interlaced material (under IN->CONFIG->ADJ->DEINT->FIELD). Added DVI output sync polarity (under OUT->MISC->SYNC). Added Vrate to output timing menu. When viewing internal test patterns press a number to toggle test pattern title on/off. Other minor bug fixes.
[DOWNLOAD]   Production Release 020105- 576i on DVI input now works correctly (480i/576i now tested and working with Arcam & Pioneer HDMI outputs).

For older versions, please contact support@lumagen.com
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